Who would you...........???

Definately Jimmy!!!! :D No one else even comes close to him. He's sexy, intelligent, sarcastic and not to mention extremely funny. Also I love his gorgeous blue eyes, his hair, broad shoulders, muscular arms, chest and thighs. Also the scars he has just add to his appeal. God, I love that man.
Definately Greg. It would be an absolute ball living with him for a week. Watching TV, talking...having a half-naked pillow fight...whatever. I would love it all.
I have to choose between Nick and Grissom! :eek: *CRIES*

I ended up choosing Grissom, I think it would be very interesting living with him. Although I'm not overly keen on living with the bugs! :lol:
CalleighDuCaine said:
First Sara, then Greg, Nick, Warrick, Griss.
I like how you never even mentioned Catherine. :p
I don't know, most of the guys are a bit too normal for me. Except for Greg, but Greg is too kinky. Meh. Besides, Grissom is my TV honey :)
Out of the women, I think I like Sara more, but a conversation with Catherine's daughter would definitely be interesting. <thinks> Nah, Sara.
DGreg for me . . . he is fun, nice, a good person . . . I don't know exactly how to explain it . . . he is the most like me so I think we would get along pretty well :) (besides, he is gorgeaus)
I chose Nick because he's the character I feel I relate to the most (we have similar values) and I think we could have fun just being silly or really enjoying serious conversations.
Grissom!!! ... after two days he'd probably kill me though. lol.
Living with Brass could be an experience.

Maybe Nick though. He's such a sweet person and..yeah. <3

I'd choose Grissom though. <33 lovelovelove
Grissom... I´m a biology student and right now i´m doing a work about bugs, so he could help out with this one :p :lol:
Grissom! what can i say? I love the man! ok..yes im only 15..but still!
Nick Stokes. No question. But I'd bear his children so he couldn't leave me at the end of the week.

Obsessed, much?
I picked Nick.. not only is he really hot, but i'm sure he'd be great fun, cause he's funny too ^_^
Greg all the way. Hes the best. sure he might be messy but he makes up for it with his amazingly good looks and his witty humour!