Who would you...........???

Absolutely Greg / Eric we have a lot of things in common!!!
We are both born in 1975 - my husband is born the 27th of July and he has a lot of things in common with his personality, we both love rock, punk, metal music esp. Interpol, Sigur Ros, Marylin Manson - we both worked for BMG - we like to dress punk meets pop and metal rock- we like to change our haircut often - we like big clean spaces with italian plants, bambu and bonsai - we like the same type of house design and colors - we both like bracelets and inox chains - we love pets - we love to party and drink - we are quite mad & we both love liquid latex!!!
xxcatherinexx said:
i picked catherine because well mainly she is hot!!! But i like the fact that she is strong and indepentant too!
im with you she is hot and if i lived with her something could happen with us ;)
Mmm, tough question. I love 'em all, but in the end I had to go with Nick. He just seems like my type of guy - gentlemanly, charismatic, friendly, fun...not to mention the fact that he's very handsome. ;) I also happen to love his accent, which is weird since I'm a Southern girl and I hear similar accents all the time that do nothing for me. *shrugs* Seriously, though, it's not all about the looks and accent (although those don't hurt!) - I just think that our personalities would go quite well together.

(Okay, it's official - I'm way overthinking this! :p )
Thats a toughy. I would live with any of them really. Gil because he cracks me up, and hes sweet. lol. Nick because he is such a gentleman. Catherine because she is strong and independant. I choose Greg though, because he is hilarous. Gotta love the funny ones.. and hes a cutie! :)
Greg because he is so cute. Or maybe Grissom or Sara so I could work my matchmaking magic.
Grissom all the way, hes hot, smart and he has a specific sense of humour which cracks me up :D :D
Most def Sara!!! I think she needs to have someone show her how much fun life can be and that not all humans will hurt her. Also, I think she could teach me a lot too- so it would be a nice even relationship- can't it be longer than one week? I mean come on pretty please!!! ;)

Also, I think living with Greg would be a blast- him and I would be having fun 24/7!!!
Sara Sidle. She's strong, independent, intelligent, and, let's not forget the obvious, she's a hottie, haha.
I definatly would live with catherine or nick ... theyre both really hot .. but theyr also old enough to be my parents .. nick is very cute acting and always wants to help out the family of the victims ... he always takes the time to let them know that csi is doing all they can to solve the case. then there is catherine ... she is beatifull and probably alot older then she looks. she is one of the most dedicated members of csi and always makes shure that she gets the case solved and she always ends up getting the information she needs from the suspect. and best of all ... shes damn hot
I have to say Nick. I would love to have him for a roommate but if he were to want to have something more with me then I would jump at the chance. lol. He is just too hotttt.
I was gonna say Warrick because of him being sooo hot but if its the charector hes married so his wife might not like it lol! but then I thought Nick (sooo hot!) but greg is just funny so I picked him. and that was complicated way of thinking! i reali should start thinking more about what i write!