Hmmm... no doubt, I'd want Sofia to save my life. (and if she doesn't have time, Sara or Calleigh )
Why? Cause she's hot... not to mention tough... if she came to save my life, I'd feel absolutely safe.
Nicky, no contest. Besides the fact that he's the cutest/hottest thing ever, I know he wouldn't give up until he found me. I mean, at the end of last week's ep, I was kind of jealous of Sara! :lol:
lets see i think don, danny, nicky, greggo, eric, and ryan would all form some kind of A Team kind of thing to save me. they can decide amongst themselves about who gives me mouth to mouth.
Ooh...This is hard. >> Well after watching some of the older episodes of Miami, I think I'm going to have to say Horatio! Speed, or Greg would be cool too though. >> But Horatio would be awesome.