Who would you want to save your life?

Re: Who would you want to save you life?

But regarding the Sara thing, I actually was just watching the ep with Bell's death last night (not sure of the name) and yeah, the way Sara acted towards Sofia wasn't very nice, but I chalked that up to Sara just never being a fan of Sofia, especially because of the detective's friendship with Grissom. I don't think it had much to do with her not being sympathetic.

The thought that was running through my mind when she treated Sofia like that was, "Gee, Sara! Why don't you just pee on Grissom? That way, you can mark your territory." :lol:
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

Erm... toughy! I'd have to say either Nicky or Danny. Cause, I agree, that Nick would stop at nothing to save someone. Danny... well, no other reason other than he's totally hot! :lol: But I really wouldn't mind who saved me, as long as someone did, I don't wanna die! :lol:
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

Hard choices!!! I would half to say either Greg, Ryan, or Danny. I love them all and I know deep inside their hearts they all would go to the end to save a teenage girl.
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

Depends on what kind of life threatning situation I am in. ;)

Generally I would pic MacGyver (as the other 27%, you might have read that news a couple of months ago), cause he is my childhood hero and he is good for about every dangerous situation you can come in.

As well as Capt. Harmon "Save the day" Rabb jr. He would be my second pick for "general" life threatning situations. He can fly. That's another plus! MacGyver suffers from Vertigo. Well, he will fly you out in his rubberband-staple-paperflyer-selfmade-kinda-airrescue-mobile, but it wouldn't be as convenient as with Harm's F14! I guess, at least... ;)

Then I would like to have Nick to "save me" in any kind of big city, when I am lost and can't find the way back to my hotel. We could talk the way back over a coffee and he could walk me home and if sb really evil is coming along, he has all the skills to save me. :sigh: :D

In any kind of upheating, not necessarily life threatning situation when you could need somebody who could "save the day" by talking (and if this doesn'T work by punching his nose), the it would be Danny Ocean. I think he can talk everybody into anything. That's a pretty good way of coming off unpleasant situations. :D

Then, when I have to deal with aliens, it would be Cpt. Jon Archer of "Enterprise". He is not just handsome and looks stunning without a shirt, he is also a brillant ambassador.

For pirates and random evils from the ocean, I pick Cpt. Jack Sparrow. He knows how to work the sword, and that on rather slicky surfaces, but he is also nuts enough to get you out of the situation cause he doesn't fear anything (in case there is rum, and the rum is sometimes gone... that's when MacGyver has to come back and distill some for you).

To be honest, they all can move in with me. :D They are all good on life saving. I can't pick a fav. But I could go and finally get a life for crying out load! ;)
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

I'd like to say speed, but he never really looked like he could be bothered, so I'd now say Horatio, he'd bend over backwards if he could to help.
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

Why Nick of course! Besides the fact that his just the hottest CSI there is?

Because I know he is going to everything in his power to save my life. Look at him in "Gum Drops", he believed Cassie was alive and was leaving a trail even though his fellow team members didn't think she was still alive. If Sara was the lead and was looking for Cassie, Cassie would have died.

Nick is very persistent and has such empathy for the victims that he would stop at nothing to save me.

And to look up in those eyes and see that smile after he saved me, telling me that everything will be ok, I would just, well, "die". :)
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

this is a hard one for me but i say Nick, because he is so brave after all the things that has happened to him.
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

I would want Grissom to save my life because he can figure out anything and would know everything to do to help me :)
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

I would want Grissom to rescue me, only so I can "Thank" him! But to be honest if my life's in danger, I don't care who saves me, as long as they do it quickly!
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

I would say Eric Delko from CSI:Miami... He's hot, but he's also really determined... Especially when a woman is in trouble!! Lol

Plus, it's always obvious that he really hates seeing all these victims of crimes, so he would definitely be saving someone's life! Lol!
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

I would have to say anyone one of the women of CSI,why?? because women are always cooler under pressure.But,if I have to choose between them all I would say.Alexx.Because if it was just a tad late she would still talk to me :guffaw:
Anyone from the Miami cast, not the baddies:guffaw:. But then i'm trying to join the Police force, so it'll be me saving others
Re: Who would you want to save you life?

I'd want Nicky to save me, He is persisant, like in Gumdrops when everyone else though the little girl was dead, he was determinded that she wasn't and went on to find her and save her life, also because he has been in a near death situation before, and this therefore helps him to empathise with his victims. Oh and we can't forget that I'm in love him aswell... ;)