Who owns a pair of Latex Gloves?

Faylinn said:

Color-coordinating the gloves to the outfit sounds like something Miami would do. :lol:
*laughs hysterically* It does doesn't? LOl. Oh man that's hilarious. And it does sound like something that they would do.
Today on the Bruckheimer Shopping Channel, we introduce the CSI: Miami Latex Glove Set. Just like the ones you see Horatio and Calleigh wear, these seven packs of gloves gives you the chance to match the rest of your wardrobe. Ladies, turn your sweetie on when you wear the pastel pink pair with the same color lacy teddy you saw in the past hour. Men, the baby blue pair will match your suit when you take your honey out to dinner. The sea green gloves are great for the green thumb gardener out in the yard...

(Hey, guys, why are you backing away from me? I am only joking. Really.)
we have a whole box of multi coloured latex gloves in a cupboard under the sink. i'm not entirely sure why they're there but they're useful for cleaning. not to mention its fun to blow them up like balloons or fill them with water, poke holes in the bottom and pretend your milking a cow... that produces water... *cough*

of course i'm not weird! i just get... bored! :p
I have lots of pairs! They come with hair dye and stuff, and I save them and use them when I'm cutting garlic, because I don't like how when you cut garlic the scent stays attached to your hand for like, 2 days, no matter how hard you scrub it off.
Faylinn said:
Oh, Fay feels like a dork. I'm supposed to be a mod here...Oopsie, didn't think this one needed to be moved. *sheepish grin* Don't throw stones. ;) :lol:

Anywho, back to the gloves... :p

Color-coordinating the gloves to the outfit sounds like something Miami would do. :lol:

You want it back? :p
:p It's not that I want it back, I just didn't even consider that it didn't belong in GenCSI. :rolleyes: Now that I think about it, it's not so much about CSI as just gloves, so I can see why it would belong in here instead. ;)

The newbie mod is silly. ;) But does this mean you don't want the glove discussion, DaWacko? ;) You know you love it. :lol:

its fun to blow them up like balloons or fill them with water, poke holes in the bottom and pretend your milking a cow... that produces water... *cough*
...I can't believe you just admitted to that. :lol:
My mom is allergic to latex, so we can't have any in the house. :(
We can't even have balloons...
yeah but I have other kinds of gloves--the blue and clear non latex ones :D
Faylinn said:

The newbie mod is silly. ;) But does this mean you don't want the glove discussion, DaWacko? ;) You know you love it. :lol:
I'm fine with the glove discussion. Me uses lots of gloves with working with moos. Those are better to work with and keep your hands clean. Actually, CSINY has the same brand of gloves than we have now and then (Evolution One)

its fun to blow them up like balloons or fill them with water, poke holes in the bottom and pretend your milking a cow... that produces water... *cough*
...I can't believe you just admitted to that. :lol:

But milking a cow with hands isn't that easy ;)
I remember in 7th grade I brought a whole box on the day we were disecting the cow's eye and charged a dollar per pair. I think I made almost 100$ before I was told not to sell things on campus.
I have a whole box of latex gloves. I have psoriasis and it affects my hands as well as my feet and knees and elbows. So at night I put on cream and wear my gloves to bed. I have been doing this for 20 years. It may sound stupid but it works. :)
well, i'm working as a nurse so i wear gloves all day at work ... so it's not that exciting anymore :rolleyes:
But milking a cow with hands isn't that easy ;)
Heh. I milked a cow once (at a fair, and I even have a picture :lol:)--for some reason, I was surprised that the teat was warm. :rolleyes: :lol: But I can imagine that gloves would come in handy. ;)

So at night I put on cream and wear my gloves to bed. I have been doing this for 20 years. It may sound stupid but it works.
Hey, whatever works. ;) I'd probably have a fit if I slept in gloves though, for the same reason I can't sleep in socks. *shudder* Don't know why, I just can't. (Now that is stupid. :lol:)
Hey, whatever works. I'd probably have a fit if I slept in gloves though, for the same reason I can't sleep in socks. *shudder* Don't know why, I just can't. (Now that is stupid. )

me too! I always end up kicking them off and throwing them off the bed with my feet. I swear sometimes I think I am OCD :rolleyes: