Who owns a pair of Latex Gloves?



Who owns a pair of latex gloves? and what do you do with them, I always use them whem im in the Wannabe a CSI mood :D :cool:
pair?? i have box with them! :lol:
yeah but they are blue not white, anyway.. i wear them in garden or when i am making CSI pic's for TalkCSI :cool: :)
LtKitty said:
pair?? i have box with them! :lol:
yeah but they are blue not white, anyway.. i wear them in garden or when i am making CSI pic's for TalkCSI :cool: :)
cool :D
We have them at the hotels I work at to get the cookie dough ready for baking fresh cookies for the guests. I pretend I am a CSI going through the evidence at a crime scene.
I have a whole box of them too! :D

I use them when I'm making my clay art, cleaning, and yes when I help my little brother with his microscope slids, I feel like a CSI or lab tech :D

And there white :D

Yeah kind of sad really :lol:
I only have a few pairs, but still have some. :D I have the white kind of gloves and a blue pair. I use them to pretend to be a CSI: and for cleaning.
I have a whole box of them. I use them purely for fun. I'm not old enough to even think about caring about cleaning lol So I use them when I'm feeling in the CSI mood.....which is all the time, they smell though, so I don't use them very often.
Dynamo1 said:
We have them at the hotels I work at to get the cookie dough ready for baking fresh cookies for the guests. I pretend I am a CSI going through the evidence at a crime scene.

I don't have any. :eek:
My next purchase will be latex gloves... :D
I have a big box (100 pairs) of latex gloves... :D

I cannot without that. Really freaky, or ? ;)

I need gloves to make clean filter of the pond in ours garden.

And to clean my bicycle, to work in the garden, to carrots peel and more...
I only have a couple pair left, I use them to clean the litter box, {I have a litter maid} and you have to change to plastic container and it gets pretty gross if you let it get to full. Sometimes my kids like to blow them up and draw faces on them!!! :lol:
Omg I want some lmao!! Everytime I see them put them on on CSI I'm like... hmm that looks fun :p
I have a box under my sink. Just in case I have to do something yucky, like when i pull ticks off my dogs. And it's never as easy for me to put them on as it is for them. :)
No, but I'm going to buy some from the shops next time I go and have money :D
Everytime we use them in science, I always volunteer to do the part of the experiment that requires the gloves just so I get to wear them :lol:
I don't have any at the moment, but we occasionally keep them around the house for cleaning. I always hated using them in science class because my hands are a weird size--they're somewhere between large and small, but my college lab didn't have medium. :rolleyes: Go figure. ;)

I'm not really a fan of latex gloves though because unpowdered gloves make my hands sweat and if they're powdered, they make them dry instead. :lol: Is that just me? (Maybe it only happens during a 2 hour lab class while you're dissecting a shark. :p)

ETA: There's also that (not-so)amusing sound that the gloves make if you trap air in them when you're putting them on and then squeeze your hand into a fist, thus releasing the air--and making a sound. :p