Who is world's favorite CSI character?

If you were a regular character, which role would you choose?

  • CSI

    Votes: 60 70.6%
  • Detective

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Lab tech

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Coroner

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Other (tell us which role you'd choose!)

    Votes: 5 5.9%

  • Total voters
That's really nice to see the two girls up at the top. I'm surprised Catherine has so many though... a lot of people have been coming down on her character in other threads. ;)
Poor Catherine gets such a bad wrap sometimes :( . I should've given her a break and shown her some love--------but I couldn't !! I had to vote for Sara !! But I like Catherine as well, just for the record. :)
um...favorite csi?
that would have to be Greg, followed very closely by Greg, then for the third one, Greg. Do you see a pattern developing here?
No seriously, I like seeing how his character has grown over the past 5 seasons (even though I miss happy-silly Greg), and I for one, really want to find out more about him, something other than superficial crap like he likes latex or whathaveyou. After him, I guess my next fav is Sara, she has totally grown on me the last two seasons, esp this one. I just want to give her some chocolate and a hug and some more chocolate (i'm allergic, can't have it) and let her just vent all the s**t she has locked inside for so long. Plus, her little gaptooth grin is just too cute.
I like Doc. Robbins...I know he's not really a CSI, but he makes staring at the carved-open chest of a dead guy enjoyable!
YAY Sara is winning you go baby!! I do love them all but had to vote for Sara because she's smart, cool, beautiful and kicks ass!!
oh man , I wanted to vote for Warrick too. I love him; he's so cool and hot at the same time. can't believe he din't get enough vote. He's the man.
<----- is supposed to be sleeping
*runs in thread*


*runs out of thread...passes out from tired-ness before reaching the door*
For me this is an easy answer.
He's nice and kind and caring and down to earth and let's face it, looks great in tight t-shirts!

Did I mention the accent? GRRRRROWLLLL

He's just good and patient and anxious do be able to be solo once in a while!
There all great...but as a guy I can relate more to Nick...we have things in common!
So put me down for Nicky!
oh yeah, that accent...I wish he would let it all out on CSI, not just in interviews and what not.

I just like a man with an accent... :devil:*fans self*
CATHERINE all the way!!! She is the reason I started watching the show. I especially love the cases involving her and Sara and the little kids. She has such a good raport with them!!! I saw Lady Heathers Box and at the end when she was laying accross the bed sobbing I was about to cry! She is just so witty and always has a come back and I personally am a Grissom/Cath shipper!!! By the way I really LIke Sara too! :)