Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

lol okay you know what, Kirsten Dunst too! Since we're talking about blonde murderers. But Kirsten would have to kill the girl and then admit it once confronted with the evidence, Hilary on the other hand would probably still deny it until someone like smacks the video tape of her in her face and even then she wouldnt speak shed just cry.... stupid sissy lolol
Hmm... maybe. But I've enjoyed Michael Vartan in other roles he's played. He's a really good actor. But I guess he can't escape from the connection with Alias right now.

I would love to Michael Vartan in CSI. Sure, he will always be associated with Alias, but I think he's one of the actors who can move on to other projects and don't have a problem doing so. He has the charisma to do it. The directors, producers, etc. should not label him though.
I think that would be very stupid :S
Haha OK maybe Britney Spears can play a murderer, but she should not kill Cameron or Justin lol :p

If Britney Spears is to star in CSI, please let her play a murder victim :cool:
lol NOooo!!!! let her be the evil jealous ex girlfriend murderer! i love her and all but i wanna see her get arrested *evil laugh*
You mean besides drive the csi's up the wall, :lol:
hmmm he would would be visiting vegas again, and called in by the sheriff and asked to help out on a crime, with the detectives and csi's.

It could have all the drama, comedy, and HUH? that all shows need to have. :D
Tony Shaloub (as Monk) :lol: Now this would be funny. :D
The way Danny Messer on NY reacts to cab drivers, I wonder how he would be if Tony Shaloub (as Antonio Scarpacci from Wings) drove him around.
omg! Tony Shaloub would be the best idea in the history of best ideas!!! that would be sooooo awesome. if they don't have him this season they MUST have him season 7.