Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

Lol! I would love to see Oprah on there, that would be one freaky episode :p
Haha not freaky it would be awesome! Oprah and that guy thats always remodeling houses - Nate... mann he'd be cool for a victim :lol: and Oprah investigates it or something.
How about Hayden Christiansen? Especially if he turned up in the whole Darth Vader getup :D
Larry the Cable Guy as... a cable guy.
Jeff Foxworthy as an electrician.
Bill Engvall as a plumber.
Ron White as a telephone company technician.
All of them as suspects in a case where someone died in a swimming pool full of beer..
Mandy Patakin from Dead Like Me.

Louise Fletcher from One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest.

Chris Martin from Coldplay---I don't know he just sounds cool

Bono from U2

John Stewart from the Daily Show
Don't know if anyone mentioned this... Greenday's Billy Joe - he's got the hot look for a suspect (who ends up being innocent)