Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

Wow i didn't think the "Monk" Idea would fly well, i was wrong.. so how about "Michael T. Weiss" Aka "Jarod" of "The pretender"?

oh i might be wrong, about Michael T. Weiss, but i think he already played in a couple episodes. There's "the execution of catherine willows" and "what's eating gilbert grissom". (if it's him) he plays the painter who was invoilved with the victims or something... i'll check to see if i'm right, i might not be, but i thought he really looked like him if it's not him.

*5 minutes later* crap, never mind what i said... it was somebody else whol LOOKED like him! :mad:

btw, i LOVE the pretender, but i never wath it in order, and yeah it's not a thread on the pretender, so i won't continue. Although Jon Gries (Broots on "the Pretender" would be a good witness or suspect).
Mike Myers, he could play a role similar to one he did in 54 (the world's most famous night club, in where? You guessed it Vegas) or he could do the comic thing, either way...Oh and for us Canadians...ED THE SOCK! :devil: Don't ask me how they'd get him on the show, but what an episode THAT would be! :lol:
Have any of you ever seen Turbulence 3? The one with that rocker dude Craven something?? He should be on CSI... he sort of has this Marilyn Manson look but freakier ...well sort of
I would LOVE to see Michael T. Weiss on CSI!!!or anyone else from The Pretender......<that used to be my fav. show until CSI came along! :D
Wow i didn't think the "Monk" Idea would fly well, i was wrong.. so how about "Michael T. Weiss" Aka "Jarod" of "The pretender"?

oh i might be wrong, about Michael T. Weiss, but i think he already played in a couple episodes. There's "the execution of catherine willows" and "what's eating gilbert grissom". (if it's him) he plays the painter who was invoilved with the victims or something... i'll check to see if i'm right, i might not be, but i thought he really looked like him if it's not him.
That wasn't him it was Wayne Pere and not Michael T. Weiss.
I would like to see myself guest star on CSI. That would just be too cool for words. Other then that I think Lauren Graham would be a really good choice.
Maybe the next time we have one of the producers here for an interview, we can ask him or her to grant an audition to our little buddy, Shane (a.k.a. abc). Could be considered to play a young Gil Grissom in flashbacks.
Wow i didn't think the "Monk" Idea would fly well, i was wrong.. so how about "Michael T. Weiss" Aka "Jarod" of "The pretender"?

oh i might be wrong, about Michael T. Weiss, but i think he already played in a couple episodes. There's "the execution of catherine willows" and "what's eating gilbert grissom". (if it's him) he plays the painter who was invoilved with the victims or something... i'll check to see if i'm right, i might not be, but i thought he really looked like him if it's not him.
That wasn't him it was Wayne Pere and not Michael T. Weiss.
really?i thought i mistook Weiss for David Lee Smith:
but then again, it doesn't really matter... the point is: Weiss hasn't play in CSI *yet* and he MUST!
and of course, i'd looove to see myself on CSI as well, but something tells me it's not gonna happen... lol
like they have nothing better to do right? lol well we can dream cant we. I want Coldplay in it! Performing "Fix you" and they find some dead guy in one of the drums! *wild imagination*
Alot of producers and writers do not visit msg boards because of the fact that anything they might accidently use that looks familiar from here would be a copywrite problem.

As to the actors... How do you know some from any of the shows don't come here, even once? I mean this site does interview them, so its not so hard to believe that it could happen. ;)
Destiny, I'm really scared now...Actors...in here...shrinks away mumbling to myself...eeks Petersen's watching me...I KNEW I shouldn't have watched The Skulls..now I'm just paranoid.

I want to see whoever is the current sumo champion of the world be on CSI...It'd make an interesting story; domo arigato deima...

Didn't I read they were having this years championhip in Vegas...Hey this sounds doable.
ahh that sucks i posted it and it wouldnt go through!!
I said, if Jorja Fox is reading this: i think your the most amazing actress in this world! And Sara is by far the greatest made-up character of all time. God Bless you! ( email me if you wanna chat, i have no friends too lol )
How pathetic am i?!
We need to see mor musicians in CSI we dont get enough of that. Theyve brought so many actors to it, but we need some musical influence in the show. Sara should fall in love with Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz tries to kill Sara ( ill save you :D ) and the CSIs are on the case....