Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I still think he cares about her as a brother/sister thing... I don't see an attraction between Sara and Nick.. but if you see it, more power to you

It is funny how some see Nick and Sara as brother and Sister and others not, while some see Gil and Sara as Father and Daughter and some not. I remember reading this article years ago whenn CSI first started. Marg made a comment about Her and Billy being the dad and mom and Sara and nick being the brother and sister. So I guess if you look at it that way they are all one big happy family. Which means Sara should look outside the lab. :D

Found the articel at WPAP...


If Petersen (who is divorced and not dating anyone seriously) is "the dad" of the cast, according to Helgenberger, then the rest of the family heirarchy is as follows: "I'm the mom," she says. "Jorja [Fox, who plays Grissom protegee Sara Sidle] and George are the little sister and the little brother." And Dourdan? "Gary is the really hot guy that makes our flesh tingle when he walks by," she says, laughing.

Well she was saying that on the basis of their working level. NOT on a real relating relationship, but well it is open to any interpretation...soo..

Well frankly, I don't see NIck and Sara as Brother/Sis either. They are great friends. They could have made a great couple as well...but tptbs didn't really take that route.

And fireman?
wow...I have heck a lot of respect for firemen...they are amazing.
I have always seen Nick in the best friend role because the Sara/Nick onscreen relationship is so darn close to my relationship with my best friend - he and I flirt like crazy (i flirt with everyone, but that's besides the point...) and many people have thought we were a couple (made our work-lives interesting for a while - there were all sorts of rumours flying around about us - most of them R-rated...)

Anyway, my point is, our lives influence how we she the various ships on the show. I can't see the Snickers because of my relationship with my friend and the fact that it'll be a cold day in hell before i start dating him.

Whereas I can totally relate to the Grissom/Sara relationship because i've been in a similar one - although Grissom has yet to do anything to maliciously or deliberately hurt Sara, which sets him above my ex...

As for Sandle - as I get older, i start to think how nice it would be to have a toy-boy... so that ship is definitely beginning to appeal to me :D
How much does a fireman earn per year?

Where I live firemen are well respected and earn a lot of money. They do quite well. They start out low and build there self up. The fire cheif can make up to 100,000 a year. I think the starting is 45-50,000 and then goes up from there each year. They earn the money that they deserve for risking there lives the way they do,
As for Sandle - as I get older, i start to think how nice it would be to have a toy-boy... so that ship is definitely beginning to appeal to me
There's not much difference in the ages of Sara and Greg
Greg 5/05/75
Sara 9/16/71 about 3 1/2 years thats not much
As for Sandle - as I get older, i start to think how nice it would be to have a toy-boy... so that ship is definitely beginning to appeal to me
There's not much difference in the ages of Sara and Greg
Greg 5/05/75
Sara 9/16/71 about 3 1/2 years thats not much

Yeah, but if you factor in the rate of maturity of men and women, it adds another 5 years to the gap... :lol: I once went out with a guy who was only 6 months younger and he was TOO Young - big baby really. That's probably why I like older men - around 10 or more years older than me is usually about right...

However, there is that old saying 'You're only as old as the man you feel' - so in that case its nice to have the option of a younger man if you start to feel a little old...
I think someone near your own age is the best you have more in commom some one to old and the difference can show up in a lot of ways
age is just a number,if you let it get in your way then, yes you are destined to lose them.... but love has no bounderies.... it can climb walls, swim oceans.... and bulid bridges over age gaps
I think someone near your own age is the best you have more in commom some one to old and the difference can show up in a lot of ways

See, that's exactly my point - our own lives and backgrounds inform our opinions on such matters - you obviously prefer someone in your age group, whereas I prefer someone older and find I have nothing in common with men my own age (I don't know about elsewhere in the world, but all the men my age in Belfast want to talk about is football... yawn)

Anyway, that's my point. We each bring our own subtext to the party and its that, as much as what we see on the show, that helps form our opinion as to who should be with who.

I personally relate to Sara the most of all the characters in the show, so my opinion of who she should be with is informed by my opinion of who I'd like to be with, as well as who I see the chemistry between, if that makes sense. Whereas someone else comes to the show with a different relation to a different character and that informs their opinion...
yes me too, I'd like to be with grissom, that's why i would like Sara to get together with grissom..... if she dont want him, I'll have him... but she does so I cant
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