Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Wow, I can barely see two foot in front of me, all this negativity in the air...

So, back on topic. I think that Sara should get with... well, lets see, she can't have Viggo, cuz I've called dibs on him... :lol:

Sara's top five men:
1) Gil Grissom
2) Viggo Mortensen (if he grew his scruff)
3) Johnny Depp (if he grew some scruff...)
4) Ewan McGregor
5) Christian Bale
(admittedly, I'm lending her *my* top 5 men, and I think Christian Bale is a little too young for her - he's more my age, so I'll have him as well... :lol: :devil:)
If Sara got with Grissom

I would lose all faith in the show and the writers. That is not what the show is about. I have faith as I have herad Billy say in many interviews that he is totllay gainst the whole office romance thing so.............
yes, yes we've moved from our disapointments from the GSR side of things... what does Sara need in a man the most?

and by the way... I call dibs on the baldwin brothers
I pay absolutely no attention to the CSI Companion simplt for the fact that it mentions nothing but GSR. It doesn't even acknowledge any other ship, though others have been hinted at as well. It is clearly biased. Actually, I don't put much stock in commentary or interviews at all (even those that support my ships) unless it is one of TPTB saying "we are gonna go with ____ and take them in this direction," and that rarely happens.

I'm all about the canon. You gotta watch for those subtle moments that really make a ship. I am firmly rooted in my opinion and don't need to hear other people's preferences to validate my own.

exactly. same thing happened with next generation. unless and until it makes it on air it is nothing but theory.
eh, i'd still watch. i'd be cussing the screen and throwing things at it if it were gsr, but i'd still watch.
me too

i like ollieuan's points on the previous page... you should want to be with someone who supports you emotionally and griss *bless his little stifled emotions* does not do that for her, someone to make you feel safe Nick does... so i say Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick and oh yeah Nick

(btw i got all this info from someone who is in REAL LOVE, since i've never been...)
Sara's top five men:
1) Gil Grissom
2) Viggo Mortensen (if he grew his scruff)
3) Johnny Depp (if he grew some scruff...)
4) Ewan McGregor
5) Christian Bale
(admittedly, I'm lending her *my* top 5 men, and I think Christian Bale is a little too young for her - he's more my age, so I'll have him as well... )

I know Grissom and Depp not sure about the rest so I say she needs someone but not Grissom I'd rather the show stay drama and not soap opera.
Well they've been showing GSR from day 1..well day 2, and the show is still pretty good..with the number of GSRers increasing rapidly by each episode, now why would we call it soap opera? Honestly, the only relationship in CSI which will not lead to soap opera is Grissom and Sara's.

Wish we could ask Sara whom she thinks she should be with...

I'm guessing she might say Grissom or her work...:)
Actually I see it as the opposite.

Grissom and Sara is the only soap operaish pairing. If she was with Nick, for example, I think it would be much less of a soap opera because he is so much more emotionally available and dependable.
I agree with Nick it'd be less of a soap opers and I have never seen Gsr from day two a few bits now and then but a lot more G/C.
Sara and Nick do make a good couple I still think he would be good for her and you can see he cares about her.
I still think he cares about her as a brother/sister thing... I don't see an attraction between Sara and Nick.. but if you see it, more power to you
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