Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Yes I agree the demotion should hit hard. Her is hoping she is a mature and strong as Sofia and take the high road and move forward rather tan backwards, although I have a feeling Nick will be very happy as I do not think he like her being his boss.

AS for Sara it is not Greg who brings out her immaturity it is Sara herself. She needs someone who is strong and mature and not wishy washy and for me again that is someone outside the lab.

i don't think she should be demoted. i think they could find a way to make them co-supervisors. just think how happy gris would be to have someone else to officially do the paperwork. besides, cath remaining a supervisor and coming back to night shift would give a whole bunch of drama to the whole sara/gris disaster.
Well I think Greg still feels as if he needs to prove himself to Grissom. Wonder if he will use the silk, silk, silk, line on him too. Nick has nothing else to prove. Just hope that Grissom lets him know in his Grissom way that he was never a disappointment,. As for Sara. I really hope they do something different with her, have her laugh more and actually work with the team more. (I might actually start to like her) I felt like I was watching as the saga continues the life woo's of Sara Sidle. I really hope they stay away from all that personal stuff and focus more on the crimes and how they solve them.
I can't wait to see Nick/Sara/Greg working together again. It'll be nice to see a tiny bit of a pi**ing contest of sorts between Nick and Greg to try and impress Sara. I feel this is almost inevitable. :lol:
I think Sara should be with, well, Grissom, but that's just because I'm obsessed. Reasonably, I think she should be with someone who can emotionally support and understand her, as well as understand that she has a stressful job. So someone from her line of work would go well with her.
I can't wait to see Nick/Sara/Greg working together again. It'll be nice to see a tiny bit of a pi**ing contest of sorts between Nick and Greg to try and impress Sara. I feel this is almost inevitable. :lol:

They did seem to have a good relationship at times. Greg does seem to make Sara laugh, although with Greg in the feild, he seems a little pre-occipied and to serious. Greg could get a littel of his quirkiness back and be in the field.
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