Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I think we´ve all been there ollieuan. Feelings are frickin´ HARD to control! Some crushes just drive you crazy. In the end I think if you like yourself you´ll choose someone who returns your feelings. It´s like "what am I worth?".

And honestly I think Sara has moved on from Grissom already. Through the PEAP she had some revelations. I mean she said she knew she had a tendency to fall for amotionally unavailable men and also that she had been looking for validation in inappropriate places etc.
This shows she´s getting her self esteem back and maybe understands she deserves to be loved. :)

If Grissom can´t see what a great chance he had...well he´s already missed it anyway IMO.
ITA that she appears to have moved on. My only fear is that she will fall at Grissom's feet as soon as he decides he is ready for a relationship (which i still think he never will). If she were to do that I would be very disappointed in her. I guess it's just because I went through that kind of ordeal myself. Grissom represents my friend for me so I guess I hold a sort of grudge against him. :lol: I don't think he deserves her.
Oh that I agree with! If the writers go down that road they will completely destroy Sara as a character. She´ll just be Grissom´s plaything. But I can´t see that happening. She already warned him it would be too late in PWF.
yeah i remember on a commentry A.Z saying that the best way to make the audience want more is to not give them it. It being sara and grissom so i think if sara and grissom got together it would be like 'oh so thats that' or something
The thing that gets me is in one episode it very G/C the next its Sara and Greg then they switch again and its G/S and then just to be funny they put a little Nick and Sara in. I think they just want to keep everyone guessing so they stay watching the show, waiting for their ship to be the one.
I want it to be a really nice, smart and hot guy to make all the others *coughGrissomcough* see what they miss. Someone everyone will respect and like. (I mean when she was with Hank everyone was going "what does she SEE in him?? She could so do better").

But most importantly someone who adores her and makes her happy.

I know she´d love to feel needed for once in her life.
She´s had so much bad luck, injustice and tragedy and no appreciation or emotional support.

I think it should be someone very warm, emotionally mature and stable.

It could be Nick, Greg or Warrick. OC I see only as a last resort cause I hate the cast bloat.

Saras requirements for a possible date are (I think): very high intelligence, sense of humor, no kiss-ass, ethical with serious intentions, and- since Hank- 100% faithful, honest and dependable. He also has to be emotionally available and not afraid of confrontation. :)

Oh man.....I see that as a perfect guy for Sara as well.

But I just can't can't can't ignore the thing between Grissom and Sara. I am so not into romantic stuffs..but Grissom and Sara has this intense beautiful and hurtful thing going on...mannn GSR has been the only ship I've shipped in my lifetime.
I just feel like there's something really really deep from Grissom's side...and I won't let go until and unless I understand that Grissom doesn't love Sara, and I'm not oblivious to anything. Billy and Jorja are such a great actors. Never seen any chemistry like they have.
I understand what I see so far, so thank you very much.
I want it to be a really nice, smart and hot guy to make all the others *coughGrissomcough* see what they miss. Someone everyone will respect and like. (I mean when she was with Hank everyone was going "what does she SEE in him?? She could so do better").

But most importantly someone who adores her and makes her happy.

I know she´d love to feel needed for once in her life.
She´s had so much bad luck, injustice and tragedy and no appreciation or emotional support.

I think it should be someone very warm, emotionally mature and stable.

Wow if Sara don't want him - I'll have him :) ;)
The thing that gets me is in one episode it very G/C the next its Sara and Greg then they switch again and its G/S and then just to be funny they put a little Nick and Sara in. I think they just want to keep everyone guessing so they stay watching the show, waiting for their ship to be the one.
*Nods* in the first season,G/C was so obvious, and then 180 degree convert, it became G/S and W/C, not to mention a little Greg/sara, Nick/Sara sometimes.....if TPTB want us glue to our TV they actually did it :lol:
the thing is i REALLY like Grissom... he's the whole friggin' reason i started watching, HAWT.... i just ain't feelin' the whole GSR thing, i dunno what to say to justify that but i just ain't feeelin' it... don't get me wrong i tried to at first but then i was like "what about Cath?"... she's cool and at least makes him see outside his own little world sometimes, Sara gets SUCKED INTO his vortex of non-communication...

you know the whole: "you say it", "no you say it first"

then it progresses to: "but i don't wanna say it", "well i don't wanna say it either"

and then it gets all awkward, like: "hey you wanna go out sometime? maybe?", "sure"

which then quickly turns into "you know what i thought about it and, no, let's not go out"

and thus results in "wtf?!?!?!", "yeah, let's not address any feeling or intention and just be workmates, it's better that way, we're still friends right?" "uh.... i guess? :confused:"

to which this girl says: "save a horse ride a cowboy" NICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICKNICK....

see i told ya i liked typing his name :D....
I voted for Nick, of course. I don't think Sara could ever be truly happy with Grissom. She needs to get over him, like now. It reminds me of this destructive crush-type thing I had going on for a while. I was in LOVE with a girl. And i was serious. She had been my friend for a long time. We knew each other inside and out. I wanted her so bad, but we just weren't on the right track emotionally. She didn't really want me, so eventually I wised up and said screw it. She's not worth the heartache. She's still one of my best friends, and i still love her, but i gave up on that ideal. I don't want her anymore. I'm ready to move on. Even if she came around I wouldn't go for it. She had her chance.

Maybe Sara is a better person than I, but I refuse to sacrifice my own integrity to fall at someone's feet.

Hey ollieuan, i totally sympathise. I was in love with a guy for over 7 years (he was my best friend too). and we did the dance of 'i like you, you like me', went out, broke up, shower rinse repeat - for 6 years! We'd go through these really intense periods of being together and then we'd desperately try and pretend that we were just friends. Bottom line - he was a afraid to get all committed because he was pretty sure I'd break his heart (he was a workaholic beardie ... hmmm, i'm seeing a pattern - maybe they're all like that... :lol:) Ironically, in between our on-and-off times, he went out with 3 girls who *did* cheat on him *cough poeticjustice cough*

Despite the fact that now I wouldn't go back to him - not even if he turned up with a white-gold diamond solitare engagement ring... (no, i haven't fantasised about that! :lol: ), I don't hold it against the other beardie with committment issues. He loves her, I know he does. WP makes that so clear in the way he has Grissom look at Sara - his eyes are so damn expressive. And unlike my relationship, he doesn't know how Sara feels, not really. He knows theres an attraction there, he knows she has feeling for him. But her dinner invite was 'Lets see what happens.' I think Grissom's too vulnerable to go into something with Sara without some kind of guarantee. Finding out that she really loves him would be a good start - but I absolutely DO NOT want her to tell him! She has given him enough! He needs to overhear it or figure it out for himself. The man's a genius FGS! He can figure this out if he lets himself... And I think he could make her really happy, once he decides to take the plunge. He strikes me as someone who doesn't do anything half-assed, so I think once he takes that first step, he'll really put a lot of himself into the relationship. Work permitting for both of them, obviously... :lol:

Okay, this has turned into a really long post, so I'll shut up now... :lol:
*reads forensicsgirl post*


Very well said ^^^ :D I think you read my mind, along with a lot of other GSRers :D And you're right about Grissom working out how Sara feels about him - for heaven's sake I can't believe he hasn't cottoned on yet! :eek: and I completely agree about Sara not telling him... she's put in enough effort, now its up to Grissom :devil: you know, I wonder what it would be like if they did another scene like Butterflied, where Sara makes a little speech, and Grissom overhears, but Sara turns round and knows he's heard...and then...omyg! I don't know! :eek:

*rushes over to GSR thread*
I don't hold it against the other beardie with committment issues. He loves her, I know he does. WP makes that so clear in the way he has Grissom look at Sara - his eyes are so damn expressive. And unlike my relationship, he doesn't know how Sara feels, not really. He knows theres an attraction there, he knows she has feeling for him. But her dinner invite was 'Lets see what happens.' I think Grissom's too vulnerable to go into something with Sara without some kind of guarantee. Finding out that she really loves him would be a good start - but I absolutely DO NOT want her to tell him! She has given him enough! He needs to overhear it or figure it out for himself. The man's a genius FGS! He can figure this out if he lets himself... And I think he could make her really happy, once he decides to take the plunge. He strikes me as someone who doesn't do anything half-assed, so I think once he takes that first step, he'll really put a lot of himself into the relationship. Work permitting for both of them, obviously... :lol:

You actually think he doesn't know how she feels? How is that possible? She MOVED TO LV for him for Pete's sake and even asked him out.

Also, I think work will always come first in Grissom's life so beware any woman he gets involved with. I think they will make each other both miserable if they do get together. I could be proved wrong of course. But the fact is he has *never* taken that first step with Sara in over 5 years. He could go home every night and sing about Sara to his (no doubt) bug collection and I still wouldn't feel sorry for him. He has had far too many chances that he has ignored...and I don't care what has kept him from pushing Sara away. It was his ultimate decision and she needs to move on....period. In RL, people would have by now...and if Sara *had* friends :p they would have told her to give the "beardie" up by now.
You actually think he doesn't know how she feels? How is that possible? She MOVED TO LV for him for Pete's sake and even asked him out.

I'm not saying he doesn't know that she has feelings for him - I'm saying he doesn't realise how deeply those feelings go. I think he's convinced himself that its a crush, its hero-worship, its a little mentor-mentee obsession that got out of hand... I honestly don't think Grissom believes that someone as young and vital as Sara could possibly deeply love him. And until he does realise that, it'll always be too big a risk for him to pursue her.

I think everyone is too hard on him for holding off on pursuing her. Is he an idiot? - YES! Is he throwing something really special away? - YES. Is he being a typical moronic man - A RESOUNDING YES!!! (sorry to all the men on the thread, but I have man issues - but that's okay, cuz I also have HUGE woman issues too... :lol:)

But here's the thing. Grissom's human. He's flawed. That's one of the things I love about him. He ain't perfect. Very far from in fact. But if I wanted a perfect hero I'd watch... well, something I don't watch now...
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