Who do you think SARA should be with??

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And given what you said, forensicsgirl, that's precisely why Sara SHOULDN'T end up with Grissom. He is too flawed to be a good boyfriend, especially to someone as emotionally starved Sara Sidle.

Also, I cannot believe that Grissom and Sara are IN LOVE with each other. The time they have shared together has ALWAYS been about work or work related. Relationships need more of a foundation...ESPECIALLY those relationships that start with dating co-workers.

Lastly, being too hard on NOT pursuing her. Hmmmm, I'm not being too hard on him. I'm glad he didn't pursue her and in my opinion he is right for not too. I think Grissom sees that Sara is not really in love with but more of a type of hero worship, which were confirmed when we found out about the earlier experience with her father plus what her PEAP counselor stated.
Besides why would anyone want to go out with someone who won't return those feelings? I know I wouldn't and I think Sara is finally realizing this.

She wants someone who will return her feelings and show her that he cares. All Grissom has done was be more of a father to her and I believe that's what attracted her to him in the first place. In a sense he replaced her father.
I don't think the feelings between Grissom and Sara run as deep as everyone would like to believe. Sure there is some attraction there, but it definitely isnt love. The fact of the matter is there are no deep feelings between any pair as of yet. For that to happen TPTB have to choose one and run with it! I'm hoping that happens next season, and I'm praying to every known deity that it isn't GSR. :lol:
i have yet to see where grissom has shown any emotion or action resembling a romantic interest in sara. he's flirted with her in a "this is how you flirt with a co-worker" way," but that is it. have to agree on the father/daughter thing.
i have yet to see where grissom has shown any emotion or action resembling a romantic interest in sara. he's flirted with her in a "this is how you flirt with a co-worker" way," but that is it. have to agree on the father/daughter thing.

I totally agree with that. It is a mentor/mentee and Father/daughter thing. I think when Sara told the story about her mother killing her father... it clicked. Sara loks to him like a father.

As for the looks he gives her. He gives them all looks. Depending on the ship you ship you interpete it your way. He said to Catherine I miss your tush... the look he gave her as she was walking away that night down the hall when she had her date with Chris... The way he winked at her when she said you're back, the way he looked at Nick in Big Middle when she said daddy buying it for you.. (something along those lines)... the way he looked at Greg and gave him those puppy dog eyes when he said Greg this is your lab we work for you... A look is a look and depending on who you ship you will read into that look.

For me persoanlly I see a look of concern not really pitty... but I think Grissom has a better understanding as to why Sara is the way she is and why she seems to have this fatuation with him. She lacked a father growing up and seeks his approval and security as she did not have it growing up. I do not see the longing or love between the two.... some do and for them that is great. For me I would rather see no office romance. But hey that is just me.
I think when Sara told the story about her mother killing her father... it clicked. Sara loks to him like a father....She lacked a father growing up and seeks his approval and security as she did not have it growing up.

dude that's what i was tryin' to say w/my whole little "" thingie post up there ^ as you can see i'm not articulately sound :eek: :lol:
Oh man....father/dau..thing again?
I have to reiterate that if the writers/tptbs of CSI wanted to show fath/dau relationship through 'pin me down' scene...then they are number one perverts....jeeez
just imagine your father (figure) and you in that condition...grossssssssss....
Well yeah we can't be absolutely certain if the feelings between Grissom and Sara are that deep...but I completely disagree that what they have is just mentor/ee or friendship thing.
I don´t think the father figure analogy works for GSR. There ARE sexual undertones (whether I like it or not hehe) to their relation.

But a teacher/student or hero worship metaphor I think is somewhat appropriate. Sara IMO thinks too highly of Grissom and he in turn seems frightened of her. They have strong feelings for each other without really being close or knowing much about each other.

Not love but adoration/idolisation.
I don´t think the father figure analogy works for GSR. There ARE sexual undertones (whether I like it or not hehe) to their relation.

But a teacher/student or hero worship metaphor I think is somewhat appropriate. Sara IMO thinks too highly of Grissom and he in turn seems frightened of her. They have strong feelings for each other without really being close or knowing much about each other.

Not love but adoration/idolisation.
Exactly. Not father/daughter, but definitely mentor/student with some infatuation thrown in. There has been absolutely no evidence of love or anything near that deep. There is the potential, just as there is potential for Sandle, Snickers, YoBling, G/C, etc. The thing is TPTB have yet to go full speed ahead with any one ship as of yet. I wouldn't even go as far to claim that Nick and Sara are in love (even though I ship them) because it isn't logical at this stage of the series. Perhaps at the end of S6 one of us ships will be rejoicing, but until then we are all just speccing.
ollieuan you know tptb are such cowards with the shipping- it´s not like the world would end. We even survived Hank and all of Cath´s loveproblems.
I feel a HEALTHY and FUN ship or flirt on the show is long overdue.

So come on tptb, give Sara some love!! :lol:
ollieuan well said. Like I said I do not ship either way.. but I have to applaude the Gil/Sara shippers here as to the fact that they can see and admit that there may be a teacher/ student infatuation. I too do not see anything that runs deep and I do see a father/daughter thing.. it was the Episode Nesting Dolls that did it for me. Some do not.. for them they saw love, but the fact that I was not flamed by those that disagree has proved to me that some of the Gil/Sara shippers can be nice. I have had nothing but bad experiences... some so bad I had to change my email address and only go by my yahoo one and even then I had to block some. So for that I do applaude you that you can see both sides of the road.
ollieuan well said. Like I said I do not ship either way.. but I have to applaude the Gil/Sara shippers here as to the fact that they can see and admit that there may be a teacher/ student infatuation. I too do not see anything that runs deep and I do see a father/daughter thing.. it was the Episode Nesting Dolls that did it for me. Some do not.. for them they saw love, but the fact that I was not flamed by those that disagree has proved to me that some of the Gil/Sara shippers can be nice. I have had nothing but bad experiences... some so bad I had to change my email address and only go by my yahoo one and even then I had to block some. So for that I do applaude you that you can see both sides of the road.

Yeah I remember you mentioning that before...and it really shocked me how some ppl can be that fanatic. Oh well...don't worry I bet there are very very few of such fans.
We are happy nappy geek lovers :).
But I remember you saying your Fath/dau opinion before ND aired...lol I caught you.
Oh well..as much as I *shudders* you are entitled to you opinion.

and by the way Foxrox and ollieuan...thanks for supporting that they don't have Fath/Dau...I can do with mentor/ee thing...but the other one gives me gag effect...

oh well.. I love GSR :lol:
Yeah. That father/daughter thing makes me sick too. I think when they first met. YEARS before CSI, it started that way. But morphed into what it is now pretty quickly.
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