Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Yeah squirt (csifan) you´ve been on about the father daughter thing and "no ships" for about a..year..or something. So it was def. before ND. ;)

And like I said before; personally I´ve never seen any GSR being rude or flaming or anything, even though I´ve argumented against GSR a LOT. :lol: Many other ships fans however seem threatened by GSR so they tend to be defensive.

Anyway back to who Sara should be with...

I think something might have happened bw Sara and Grissom in San Fransisco. It would further explain why she moved to Vegas. What do the GSR fans think?
I think something obviously had to have happened in san fran, but i don't think it is anything romantic to squee over. if that were the case then Grissom would have even less of an excuse to ignore Sara's feelings. He can't claim ignorance if something was going on in SF! :lol:
You are right Foxrox I have been saying it since the show began pretty much. But I have been told that I was nuts "I had nothing to prove my thoughts and beleives." My point in saying that it was ND that did it for me was that in my mind that episode was the clincher. It was the show that proved to me that my feelings/thoughts were true. Not that I needed it but I guess I needed to see it played out. To me that was the show that showed to me the father/daughter connection. When she basically said she grew up with out a father and started to talk about always needing validation. To others not so much. To some it was the show that was the clincher that Grissom loved Sara. Just like to some it was Butterflied. That was what I was trying to say. Guess it did not come out to great. I guess you are a very lucky person. I have been flamed by some Gil/Sara shippers. With some not so kind comments.

Are you people sick or something? I don't know about you guys, but I am not into incest! There is no father/daughter thing going on! I mean gross. You do not:
-ask your father out
-confess feelings for her to a murderer
The whole thing about "valadation" means that Sara thinks that she is inadequate around Grissom, because there are feelings there, so she looks for valadation.
I think that's the point, greglover. No GSR sees it as a father-daughter thing, and those who do most likely do not ship GSR. So yeah, it's all about interpretation. Griss and Sara's relationship is hard to define for me. I can kinda see why some people would see it as father/daughter, I understand that it's a bit like mentor/student, etc, etc. It's all about interpretations, I guess *shrugs*
Okay. I may be a GSR, but I can see other points of view *even if its not very well*. I can see the mentor/student relationship. Sara was his student, and at the beginning of the series, it did look like she was always trying to impress him. But why would she still be doing that after all these years? But I can just not see the father/daughter thing. *shrug*
FoxRox -I think something might have happened bw Sara and Grissom in San Fransisco. It would further explain why she moved to Vegas. What do the GSR fans think?

Well, I've read a multitude of fanfics which have proposed that anything from a serious attraction which Grissom ran from, to a lot of overt flirting that didn't go anywhere because Gris had to get back to Vegas, to an out and out love affair which they decided to turn into friendship because of the distance...

As for me, I'm not sure... I think that they hit it off immediately. I think that they probably went out for coffee or something and talked *a lot* about forensics, etc. He's probably who inspired her to become a CSI (all depends on when they met - if she was still a student, or if it was a seminar while she was already a CSI in SF) I think she flirted with him and he was flattered, but he probably though it was just her being nice (and thinking that a gorgeous woman couldn't possibly want him). He was probably attracted to her instantly, but didn't do anything about it because a) she was a student b) she was 15 years younger c) he lived in Vegas and she in SF...

But I do love the idea of them being involved before she moved to Vegas...
*reads forensicsgirl post*


Very well said ^^^ :D I think you read my mind, along with a lot of other GSRers :D And you're right about Grissom working out how Sara feels about him - for heaven's sake I can't believe he hasn't cottoned on yet! :eek: and I completely agree about Sara not telling him... she's put in enough effort, now its up to Grissom :devil: you know, I wonder what it would be like if they did another scene like Butterflied, where Sara makes a little speech, and Grissom overhears, but Sara turns round and knows he's heard...and then...omyg! I don't know! :eek:

*rushes over to GSR thread*

Wibble..I caught you cheating on Sara :devil:!!! Why did you change your avatar with Grissom? :devil:

BTW, I like your new avatar :D

Yes, now the ball is under Grissom's feet, And i also think Grissom's been having a war with Sara------Nerve war :lol: :lol:
Okay. I may be a GSR, but I can see other points of view *even if its not very well*. I can see the mentor/student relationship. Sara was his student, and at the beginning of the series, it did look like she was always trying to impress him. But why would she still be doing that after all these years? But I can just not see the father/daughter thing. *shrug*

So are you saying that we are not making our point very well or that you can not see it very well. As stated above.. it is all about interpetation. Sara did not grow up with the respect, love and support from a Father. She seeks it from Grissom. That is my interpetation. You ship the whole Gil and Sara thing so you see it as incest. That is YOUR INTERPETATION!! Some people who ship Gil and Sara.. say that they slept together that night he drove her home from the police station. Others say he slept with her that afternoon when she confessed to him her family secret and now he is afraid to pursue the relationship. That is why he defended her and is the way he is now. I see it different I see her seeking apporval and validation as she never had it growing up from either parent. She lacked love, a fathers love. A lot of crushes turn out to be just that. A crush due to the lack of love from a father or mother depending on the situation. You try to get them to notice you. Ask them out, seek them out, always go to them for help and advice even though you already know the answer. You try to impress them by keeping up to date with what interests them.

As for Grissom and Sara sleeping together after her DWI and confession, to me that never happeend. First I can not see Grissom taking advantage of Sara or any woman in that kind of situation. I can not see Billy playing him that way.. (if he does I will lose all respect for Grissom) It would be an abuse of power as both her supervisor and a man. No respectalbe man takes a girl to bed when she is intoxicated and emotionally distraught.

You feel the way that you do I feel the way I do. I will try to repect your thoghts and views as long as you repect mine. No I am not sick... that is how I feel and as I stated to foxrox in my earlier post it was ND that was the clincher for me when she stated that she grew up with out a father. I already felt that way.. but for me hearing her say the words was what proved it to me... and a few others... for you not so much and that is okay. You ship you ship for what ever reason and I do not ship any of the office romance ships. As long as your repect me I will repect you.
Just to throw my buck twenty in – it has been documented time and again (esp. on Dr. Phil) that girls who grow up without a father figure around or a father that do NOT pay attention to them, SEEK that relationship (basically for the rest of their lives if they don’t address it). This is the main reason why teenage girls get pregnant. They are desperate for a boy/man’s attention, which leads to sex and a baby.

Now granted, the writers concocted this distraught childhood for Sara 4 plus years after the show started, so I saw a lot of the character’s behavior was only crush related for all that time. In the start of season 5 they started to re-write her so they could have this big revelation for sweeps. To me in only re-enforced the teacher/student thing even more with now a big taste of father/daughter thrown in.

May I point out to everyone that in the show ‘Committed’ – the storyline had to do with incest! And only Griss and Sara were working that case! Ya’ll like anvils, so why does no one but me pay attention to that major point? That is a clear wink to me, what the whole Griss/Sidle thing really is more along those lines.

Would any one like to respond to that, as I have not heard a peep about the correlation between that storyline and that subplot all in the same show?
I voted Grissom! and i started a new page! hehe

anyways, instead of talking about why we don't think sara would work with someone (grissom, nick, greg etc)
why don't we talk about why we think she should be with someone or talk about where they think they see the relationship..ie state your three ( five, ten however many) top moments that you think shows the relationship at it's best.

since i am a gsr shipper my top moments/scenes/episodes would be

grissoms speech in butterflied
playing with fire
hunger artist (the song that plays!)
*reads forensicsgirl post*


Very well said ^^^ :D I think you read my mind, along with a lot of other GSRers :D And you're right about Grissom working out how Sara feels about him - for heaven's sake I can't believe he hasn't cottoned on yet! :eek: and I completely agree about Sara not telling him... she's put in enough effort, now its up to Grissom :devil: you know, I wonder what it would be like if they did another scene like Butterflied, where Sara makes a little speech, and Grissom overhears, but Sara turns round and knows he's heard...and then...omyg! I don't know! :eek:

*rushes over to GSR thread*

Wibble..I caught you cheating on Sara :devil:!!! Why did you change your avatar with Grissom? :devil:

BTW, I like your new avatar :D

Yes, now the ball is under Grissom's feet, And i also think Grissom's been having a war with Sara------Nerve war :lol: :lol:

Hey there primitive chimera :devil: missed your post back there :D Well, my avatar...glad you like it, but I think it's not great...I'm just experimenting at the moment, so prepare for it to change a lot in the near future :D Don't worry - Sara's safe, in my banner :D

Btw I think Sara should be with Grissom, just in case I haven't already mentioned that :D
Hmm. Someone who isn't in the CSI group. :x
I dunno, I can't see her and Grissom together, they were never really compatible in my eyes. And I've never thought about her with someone else, maybe Nick? ;)
Sara does have a nice relationship with Nick, but it seems Brother/Sister... Greg use to have a Brother/sister thing with her, until he started acting mature - now Sara sees him diffrently, but grissom..... Grissom will always be the daddy :lol:
I voted Grissom! and i started a new page! hehe

anyways, instead of talking about why we don't think sara would work with someone (grissom, nick, greg etc)
why don't we talk about why we think she should be with someone or talk about where they think they see the relationship..ie state your three ( five, ten however many) top moments that you think shows the relationship at it's best.

since i am a gsr shipper my top moments/scenes/episodes would be

grissoms speech in butterflied
playing with fire
hunger artist (the song that plays!)

Are you talking about anyone in General or just Gil/ Sara moments. If it is just Gil/Sara should it not be in the Gil and Sara folder? This folder is titled who should Sara be with not the top best mometns of sara and Gil or Sara and who ever.

Maybe the top best moments whould have its own folder? Just a suggestion.
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