Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Oh, I've noticed all the GSR...painfully. :lol:

I'll admit I'm a bit biased. Who among us isn't? I've been a Snickers since day 1 and I always will be. I've seen all the GSR moments. They ARE there. However, I think TPTB purposefully leave some ambiguity in the relationship. It could be romantic, but it could also not be. Sara has always had Grissom on some pedastal. She's looked up to him for a long time now. That could definitely lead to badness in a relationship. They are not on an equal playing field. Nearly all the GSR moments that seem more romantic (give or take a "beautiful" here or a "honey" there) come from Sara. IMO, this could definitely be a displacement of her feelings. Until we see more evidence on Grissom's feelings and more character development on Sara's part, it's nearly impossible to call the true nature of the relationship. As is the case with all the other ships (with the exception of YoBling -- it's pretty obvious there is some physical attraction there :lol: )
I was watching CSI... (quelle surprise!) Anyways, there I was watching Early Rollout and Butterflied. Now that we know about Sara's childhood, I was looking at GSR more closely, and Snickers more closely.

The interaction between Sara and Nick, is more like good friends, they'll flirt like mad, make others wonder, but never actuallly cross the line. That is how I perceived their banter in Early Rollout.


While watching Butterflied, I was thinking about when Sara first arrived in Vegas. There was some kind of background between the two. I started thinking that Grissom has known about her father the whole time. But not any of the details. After Sara's dad was offed and her mother was sent away... That would have been traumatic for any kid. Did she stay with the one foster family?

So years later, Grissom enters Sara's life, by way of her education. Sara, being a rather normal woman takes one look at Grissom and :eek:. Maybe Grissom reminded Sara of her father in some way. *Jeez, that sounds so incestuous* :rolleyes: I swear I don't mean for it to sound like that. Grissom and Sara are so much alike, personality wise. Sara and Grissom prolly noticed it, but never really thought about it. What are the chances of running into anybody from a course again? Sometime later Grissom hand picks ;) Sara to come out to Vegas to investigate Warrick's role with Holly's death. Didn't sit to well with Cath.

Grissom and Sara have approached their feelings for one another, in two totally different ways. The monolgue that Grissom says at the end, is prolly the closest he has ever gotten to saying he cares for Sara, more than he would admit at any other time. If Grissom knew Sara was standing on the other side, I don't think he would have said what he did. He prolly knows, and Sara as well, that she needs that father figure that she lacked as she was growing up. Who knows if there was even a father in the foster home(s) she lived in. Grissom, is trying his best not to let those emotions he has for Sara, cloud his judgement and personal feelings.

Sara coming from a different end of the spectrum, doesn't have the same concerns about the relationship. So, throughout the series, she has gotten increasingly fed up that Grissom can't just get off the fence. Sara has finally started to move away from that 'fence'. After Nesting Dolls, Committed and GD, maybe Grissom will start to re-evaluate his feelings about Sara.

Does any of what I am saying make sense? :confused: It has been a couple of hours since I started thinking about this. And it is late. BTW, I am 100% for GSR. I have not started to drift away after all this ruminating. Just wanted to tell someone, who would be interested in hearing about CSI stuff.
I was wondering what had happened between Grissom and sara before sara arrived Vegas? :lol:..I mean, would you fly from a city to another city just to help a "friend"'s case? Then stay at that city, move all of your stuffs, say goodbye to your friends,settle down a totally strange place, no friends, no relatives..just to help a friend? :lol:

I won't.Sara definitely was Grissom's student in California or Harvard....then how did they hook up, I don't know.maybe like Terri Miler, have a dinner, leave a phone number to Grissom, and then they never met each other again before she came to Vegas?..would you invite a woman you've only seen once or two to investigate a case?

I won't either.

Something happened before that. :rolleyes:
I didn't say that Sara thought of Grissom as a father figure, I meant that maybe because she had a bad father figure, she looks to Grissom more because he is such a good guy, better than her father. It doesn't mean that she has fatherly feelings for him.
No, my thoughts on Grissom and Sara tonight were independant of what you wrote. I think it is a lack of a father figure, that Sara latched on to him in the beginning. I think it evolved into something else soon after they first met. For Sara anyways. Grissom wants to be close to Sara, but because of whatever insecurities he has, he doesn't want either one to get hurt. They do have to work together, if things don't go smoothly.... :( That would not be good for the work atmosphere.
Grissom wants to be close to Sara, but because of whatever insecurities he has, he doesn't want either one to get hurt.
Exactly what I'm thinking. I mean, Grissom is the man who's trapped by his own insecurites. hw doesn't either og them get hurt,cuz he wants the best ending: Sara won't leave,become his secret lover and neither of them gets fired. But he ended up hurting both of them
Exactly. Grissom has had experience with people, whether he likes it or not. He knows he's not social type and one way or another he might think that he will do or speak sth which might not come so good. Right now Sara works with him, and he gets to at least see and interact with her, but what if he gets along with her and he screws up or his work comes in as an interfere..and he looses her? Would he be able to bear that? Everybody has weaknesses and Grissom's weakness is Sara.
well said, Sidle..I mean Grissom's definitely experienced dealing with people, he's almost 50, and faces different people everyday,add his intelligence....that's why i understand his "I couldn't take risk".

He has completely considered the result of getting together with sara, so what he could do is wait.maybe he thinks it's a win-win situation...but love is not calculation..it's gamble
Life is a gamble.
So when Grissom and Sara go riding off into the sunset (because I know they will) I'm scream "Yatzee!" K.
Jeez, how can one man feel so complicated, as a woman its tiring just to watch.
Yes, they go riding off into the sunset, which will be towards the nursing home by the time Grissom gets his act together and decides he wants to move forward with his relationship with Sara.

If Grissom does decide to go forward (before he goes into retirement), I hope Sara just turns him down flat...show she has moved past him.
*looks around* Who me? Nah!!

Sorry, didn't mean to let resentment out. I just keep wishing that Season six will forever END the headache of GSR.

I know I have never been a fan of this ship but even if I were, I would have gotten sick of it long ago. Plus, I see no real chemistry between the two characters of Sara and Grissom (yes, I expect flames now but it is my opinion). I respect their right to like this couple, but I wonder what they expect Sara to do if Grissom did act (on his supposed feelings) and ask Sara out. Do they expect her to fall on her knees and thank the heavens that Grissom is ready now?

For me, I want Sara to have more dignity than that.
I think that even us GSR shippers can agree with you on that. We want Sara to maitain her dignity. I don't wanna see some poor Sara crawling to Grissom begging him to love her. Thats digusting. I don't even think that Jorja Fox would agree to do that. In Season 6, most GSR shippers want Grissom to do the chasing and Sara maybe give him a few scars. As much as I love Grissom, he's got it coming.
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