Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Sara would be cute with Greg, and if they wanted to explore that a little bit so that Grissom's extra-curricular flirting doesn't seem unfair, then fine. But in the end, I still believe she belongs with Grissom.
i think sara should be with warrick....and catherine should be with grissom...nick is gonna be with sofia...and eric should be with me!:p :devil:
Sara definatly should be with Greg, because Greg deserves any women he chooses (And if that may be a threesome with Sara and Sofia, then so it may be)
I think Sara/Greg would be cute to try dating. They have good chemistry and Sara does need to laugh more.
While Nick would be good for her, I have never see the writers moving in that direction.
But I'm with saravma, I always want her with Grissom in the end(or sooner).
I'm all for Nick!!! Sara and him together would so balance each other out. They are so insync with each other too, that they can just look at each others faces and know how the other is feeling! *sigh*
I think she should be with Nick. I've said it before.

I'd like to think that, in the end, she'd go with Nick. However, I don't trust TPTB and farther than I can throw them.
I've always seen their relationship as more of a brother / sister type thing. I'll admit, they have their moments but they just seem playful and not necessarily flirty. It seems very superficial I guess, nothing to meaningful. I do ship GSR and am not trying to start anything, I just think it's neat that we both look at the same scenes and read them completely differently. Such is life.
I ship Sara with Nick. I don't see them as brother and sister. They flirt too much and they looks at each other a lot. They seem to enjoy working with each other and very comfortable with each other. He make her laugh.
Alright that's cool we see things differently. :) I just wanna point out one thing about this:
electrolite said:
I'll admit, they have their moments but they just seem playful and not necessarily flirty. It seems very superficial I guess, nothing to meaningful.
Sara was the only one who talked to Nick about his experience in Grave Danger (Gum Drops). She understood where he's coming from and respected it, then specifically said she cared about him more than the case itself. They talked it out, Nick apologized and Sara lets it go. That's MEANINGFUL to me.

Also in Invisible Evidence, Sara ranted to Nick about the cold case/hot case thing and her case being put on hold. She's not afraid to talk things out to him cause she knows he would understand her. And he did. Again, MEANINGFUL relationship.

Also, Jorja pointed it out herself in the interview about Nick looking out for Sara before so now she's the one who gets to look out for him. And you know with all the spoilers and stuff it may look bleak for snickers but as long as they keep that kind of relationship it'll be alright for me.

All I'm saying is that at least they TALK things out rather than just make googly eyes at one another lol. Actual conversations just seem much more meaningful to me. :)

And their lace teddy moments are just too flirty to be considered bro/sis. Along with the other moments of course.

eta: electrolite I swear I'm not looking for a fight with you :lol: I just realized I also responded to you in the TOYD thread.
I agree Cofi_shot I also want to add
I have brothers and when your Sister tells you your shirt is Hideous YOU DONT change it You just look at her and go "So Its my shirt and I'm wearing it" (I'm referring to Pledging Mr Johnson"
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