Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Detective Vartan- he's been around since season 4 I think... He's also the hottest detective, but not always the nicest.
Honestly, if you watch Gum Drops, VLV, PMJ, Sara and Nick have this sick, dripping chemistry.

Don't get me wrong, I can totally see other ships. I totally agree that Grissom and Sara have had their moments, they did, at one point, have very good chemistry. But since Nesting Dolls, I see it as more of a father/daughter relationship. He seems to have moved on from feeling romantically toward her, to feeling fatherly protectiveness.

Greg and Sara also have great chemistry, but if any ship is a brother/sister ship, I'd say it's this one. They too, had a bit of a spark at one point, but it was the same feeling as GSR was, Greg had a crush, and although I do believe Sara thought him cute, he proved to be too immature. Since he has gone from the lab to the feild, Sara has been like an older sister to him, she has been a teacher, a mentor. He seems to have a newfound respect for her.

Warrick and Sara have always had kind of chemistry between them, and indeed still do. They have a great friendship, but I don't believe the idea of turning it into something mroe has ever crossed the mind of either of them. They seem to both be preoccupied with other people in the lab. Sara with her crush on Grissom, and Warrick with his feelings toward Catherine, and now to Tina.

Sara and Vartann have a bit of a spark between them, but he's not on the show enough to make anything of it.

Sara and Brass have had some really lovely moments, and as odd as it sounds, I can see this ship. They have a great sort of protective chemistry between them. Brass obviously cares for her a lot, and Sara seems to really like him for it. Although I don't know if TPTB will do it, it would be an interesting turn of events.

Am I forgetting anyone?
Per my banner and siggy, I obviously want Sara and Nick together. They are different from each other, but they aren't too different that they wouldn't be compatible...rather they could both bring things to the relationship that they wouldn't find if they were involved with someone else.

I think that GSR once held a lot of promise, but IMO, that time has come and gone. Just like MG pointed out, since Nesting Dolls, I too have seen the 'relationship' between Sare and Grissom evolve...into something that goes further then friends, but that stops before romance.

Greg...I like him, but I've never been a Sandle shipper. Since Greg started working out in the field, his friendship with Sara has changed, I think he's grown to respect her as a mentor and big sister sort of way.

Warrick....hmm, I admit I'm a closet SW shipper. I just can't help it. LOL, but I just don't see them getting together.
I can see Sara with only Nick or Warrick.
But I'm only going to explain Nick since I don't exactly hide the fact that I'm a Swarrick shipper. I think they balance each other out and have great chemistry, enough said.
I like her with Nick too though. He seems to bring out the fun side of her, or maybe the right word is the relaxed side. He cares for her, looks out for her and they could really work as a couple.
Of course in the end I will always choose Swarrick but Snickers could be something I could live with. As long as it's not Grissom, I love both the characters but Sara turns into this creepy character whenever she's around him.
let just say sara should be us thats all :lol:

Lol!!!!!Good point.....I think I agree there!!!

glad you like it :lol: let keep her for us :devil: :lol:

anyway i used to be a gsr shipper who turned to a snicker/sandle/swarrick SHipper :lol: i know it's weird but i dont like how sara is when grissom is around anymore: she seems so sad and i dislike it :( before they were teasing each other and now nothing (except in ABRTI they were too funny :lol:)
im open to snicker because there is some good links between them: he makes her laugh , they have good time together
im open to sandle cause they are such a good chemistry between them, dont know they look good together ;)
im open to swarrick because .......euh i should better not say why :devil: :lol:
love the idea of a sara/vartann couple: he is hot she is hot so good chemistry :lol:
anyway i would be open to gsr if only tptb will give me something better than a closed and sad sara.... :rolleyes:

oh and im open for some sara/cath slash :lol:
i just want sara to be with someone good for her, whoever he/she is
Well, of course she should be with me. But Grissom would seem like a more logical choice.

Sara and Grissom. Yes, this has been my ultimate ship since the beginning and it won't change. They look good together, they have nice chemistry, they are all over each other. It is like they are fascinated by each other. I love this, because I don't like sexually driven relationships.
And I like relationships with an age difference.

Sara and Nick. Okay, to be honest, this was my very very very first ship. But I soon found that she is better with Grissom and that she and Nick have a friendly relationship. And no offence to all the Snickers, but apart from some scenes that didn't make it to the screen, there has never been any indication that they might like each other.

Sara and Greg. Better! They look nice together, because they are so totally different! With Nick and Sara it'd be like brother and sister, with Greg it would be like 'good girl' goes with 'wild dude'.

Sara and Brass. Well, I see where that comes from, but no.

Sara and Warrick. No, they don't seem to have much chemistry.

Sara and Catherine. God, YES! I hate it when they fight, and it makes me smile to see that they get along nowadays. I also like this ship because I don't like Catherine around men.

Sara and Vartann. Yeah, right.
I think it is sort of true that sara is sort of sad when she is around grissom but that´s cos it never worked out between them and i think when they are having fn and working(which lets face it is what they both do best)they are smiling and look happy... and if it worked out i think it would be what would make sara the happiest....at the moment she isn´t that happy about it but i´m saying that if one of these couples ever happened i think the happiest and most serious one(and the one to be more for real) would be sara with grissom!!!
Honestly, if you watch Gum Drops, VLV, PMJ, Sara and Nick have this sick, dripping chemistry.

Don't get me wrong, I can totally see other ships. I totally agree that Grissom and Sara have had their moments, they did, at one point, have very good chemistry. But since Nesting Dolls, I see it as more of a father/daughter relationship. He seems to have moved on from feeling romantically toward her, to feeling fatherly protectiveness.

Greg and Sara also have great chemistry, but if any ship is a brother/sister ship, I'd say it's this one. They too, had a bit of a spark at one point, but it was the same feeling as GSR was, Greg had a crush, and although I do believe Sara thought him cute, he proved to be too immature. Since he has gone from the lab to the feild, Sara has been like an older sister to him, she has been a teacher, a mentor. He seems to have a newfound respect for her.

Warrick and Sara have always had kind of chemistry between them, and indeed still do. They have a great friendship, but I don't believe the idea of turning it into something mroe has ever crossed the mind of either of them. They seem to both be preoccupied with other people in the lab. Sara with her crush on Grissom, and Warrick with his feelings toward Catherine, and now to Tina.

Sara and Vartann have a bit of a spark between them, but he's not on the show enough to make anything of it.

Sara and Brass have had some really lovely moments, and as odd as it sounds, I can see this ship. They have a great sort of protective chemistry between them. Brass obviously cares for her a lot, and Sara seems to really like him for it. Although I don't know if TPTB will do it, it would be an interesting turn of events.

Am I forgetting anyone?
all I gotta say is I SO agree with you I truly dont see Nick and Sara as brother and sister I HAVE brothers and WE all treat eachother the way Sara and Greg do so if ANY ship is brother and sister (in my opinion so dont shoot me Sandles) it would be Greg and Sara
PLUS I just have to say with me and My brother WE NEVER were confused as a couple (like Nick and Sara did in VLV)
I think it is sort of true that sara is sort of sad when she is around grissom but that´s cos it never worked out between them and i think when they are having fn and working(which lets face it is what they both do best)they are smiling and look happy... and if it worked out i think it would be what would make sara the happiest....at the moment she isn´t that happy about it but i´m saying that if one of these couples ever happened i think the happiest and most serious one(and the one to be more for real) would be sara with grissom!!!

This is so true, greenfield. A lot of the people here seem to dislike Sara with Grissom because Sara is not happy around him. Well, actually I believe Sara would be the happiest around Grissom if the guy actually wasn't emotionally withholding from her. Look at Seasons 1 and 2 and how her face lights up around him. I totally understand that the angst that TPTB have been throwing in the way of GSR is hard and draining for a lot of people and it makes a lot of people dislike the whole relationship, but that is just that way with a lot of TV couples--they can't just get together or be happy and friendly all the time, unfortunately. The angst has to rule...:D

Anyway, I think if Grissom were able to let go and allow himself to believe that a relationship with Sara can work out, Sara would be the happiest with him in the end. As JF recently said, Sara still wouldn't "throw him out of her bed". So, that does sound to me a lot like she still has feelings for Grissom. Meaning, she would probably be happy if they got together. And for me, as a Sara fan, she should be with whomever will make her happy.
lol somebody should say to grissom that he HAS to show what he feels to sara :rolleyes: ( well i dont think he will ntil the end cause it would be out of character, antigrissomish all the way :lol:)

anyway im up to everything cause just like grisslybear said: im A HUGE SARA FAN too so whomever she is with , ill be happy if she is too ;)
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