Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I always thought that Sara & Nick would make a gorgeous couple, they just look so good together but for some reason I just feel that her she should be with Grissom it always seems to me as if there really meant to be together, but that's just my opinion. :D
I think that there is love between griss and sara but i don't think it's the dating kind of love or the father/daughter kind. i don't really know what kind it is....but i do def. think there is something there. As to who she should really be with....I really don't know Greg or Nick i guess
ME! (shh don't tell my boyfriend. Lol)

It's hard to pick one person. Each of the other characters give her something different so I think I'm just going to head back to the orgy room where things aren't as confusing and she can just be with everyone... and there's jello there... Mmmm....
Even before I got addicted to CSI, I knew that there was something between Sara and Griss. I've always thought that. So now, I'm stuck with the pain of watching them every week and not get any closer. :( I think that they are great for each other and have similar personalities, which can help or hurt. Depends on the way you look at it. You know it's bad when you tape every episode that even just has a little GSR and watch it over an over again. :rolleyes: In my opinion: one of the greatest 'non-relationship' relationships ever. :p
Sara and Grissom did at one time share a connection that could have turned into a romance. She tried to pursue it, and he resisted. It was his own fault the it never happened, and I believe that Sara has moved on.

I think she and Nick share a deep bond, and I have a feeling it will become a romance, and I hope it does, they both deserve it.
I'm a Gris/Sara fan all the way. I'll admit I see what the Snickers see, but I feel the GSR bond a lot stronger, and that's the coupling for our dear Sara I'm rooting for... Unless, of course, Grissom reveals himself to be a complete idiot and she finally finds a man outside of CSI who is worthy of her time and attention. :)
I know a lot of people here are ex-GSR's who have jumped ship because they think Grissom has been an a** to her, but I still have faith in their feelings for each other. I do believe, however, that as JF recently said, Sara has done her share of pursuing Grissom, and if anything happens, it has to come from Grissom. Although I always have seen a brother-sister vibe with her and Nick, or sweet inconclusive flirtation with her and Greg, ultimately I want her to be happy, so if Grissom flirts with other women or keeps screwing their relationship up, I would have no problem with her dating other men--Nick, Greg, or whomever is going to make her happy. Problem is, I really don't believe she can be happy with anyone but Grissom. Sure, she can date others (she dated Hank, for instance), but truly being in love? That seems to be a bit hard after you've had feelings for someone for so long. 5 years of feelings (probably much longer) is not something you can easily get over. For me to really believe she has moved on, she should be able to reject Grissom when he wants her. It's easy to say you've moved on when you think nothing is going to happen anyway. The ultimate test would be rejecting Grissom. And I honestly don't see that happening, especially given what Jorja has been saying in interviews this year...
It's easy to say you've moved on when you think nothing is going to happen anyway. The ultimate test would be rejecting Grissom. And I honestly don't see that happening, especially given what Jorja has been saying in interviews this year...

what has she been saying?
what has she been saying?

I've seen 2 interviews of Jorja this year where they asked her about Sara's feelings for Grissom. To paraphrase, she said "Never say never...There is definitely possibility that something can happen between them before it's all over...But who knows how long till it's all over?...Sara has made a decision not to actively chase Grissom anymore...She chased him for about 2 seasons now...The ball is definitely in Grissom's court at the moment..." (Interview 1--you can find the interview on CBS's official CSI page)

and in another interview she said "she was done chasing him, but if, within several episodes, Grissom came to her and wanted to start something, she wouldn't kick him out of her bed". ;)
If the Powers see fit to cast David Duchovny in a recurring guest star role as a hot, emotionally unavailable, intellegent, scientifically minded man, then I would be more than happy for Sara to date him (idea shamelessly stolen from another GSRer... :D )
If the Powers see fit to cast David Duchovny in a recurring guest star role as a hot, emotionally unavailable, intellegent, scientifically minded man, then I would be more than happy for Sara to date him (idea shamelessly stolen from another GSRer... :D )

Count me in as a supporter of that ;)
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