Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I think sara should be with nick!!It´s like chocolate with nuts....SNICKERS!

you know i dont know if it's cause i spend a lot of time on the snicker thread but i completely understand what you mean :lol:
I think sara should be with nick!!It´s like chocolate with nuts....SNICKERS!

Nice analogy! :D

I think Sara should be with Nick because they have such good chemistry together. And she is always happy and confident around Nick. He has always been there for her and now it's her turn to take care of him.
I think sara should be with nick!!It´s like chocolate with nuts....SNICKERS!

Nice analogy! :D

I think Sara should be with Nick because they have such good chemistry together. And she is always happy and confident around Nick. He has always been there for her and now it's her turn to take care of him.
I Totally Agree with you they've been there for eachother and they do have great Chemistry
i ship sara with just about everyone, except brass and vartann. i love the sara cahracter, she's so compatable with everyone.

i'm moreso GSR but i love snickers too
I think that in the begining Sara def. went for Grissom...you can see it in the small things. Not sure what episode this is but Griss says something about Sara being a smart 7 year old and she smiles instantly. But then it seems like she just goes to him for help when she's down. excuse the language but these writers are so damn confusing :D I think Sara and Nick would be a great couple too...I just hope they make up there mind soon
not trying to diss anyone but i'm wondering if people who think that she should be with cath or another girl are saying that they think she is gay/bi...again really not dissing people just wondering

and personally i like sara and nick together, i think they are really cute :D
Sara should be with Grissom, hands down. The age thing is nothing my husband is 15 years my senior and we have been married for five years. Lets face it old guys are hot and mature. Sara and Grissom are both these geeks that love work and learning.
not trying to diss anyone but i'm wondering if people who think that she should be with cath or another girl are saying that they think she is gay/bi...again really not dissing people just wondering

Some people prefer/enjoy shipping slash and therefore will pair Sara with Cath or Sofia, just like some shippers ship the Love (Nick/Greg) or another all boy pairing.

I don't think its a judgement on the characters, I don't think saying someone could be gay/bi is an insult. Personally, i dislike labels - people are people and characters who have chemistry can be shipped together. And lets face it, just about every character on this show has chemistry with every other character, so all ships are valid.
I'm here with you Forensics! I don't see Sara necessarily as a bi/gay character.. I just think that she will do great with Catherine because of the 'hidden' chemistry they have; they are two total different characters and they complement each other well :D I ship them for serious reasons though, I really believe they suit each other well and they're better of with each other than with anyone else of the lab, though unfortunately I don't think TPTB will do anything with it.. but a girl can dream :D
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