Who do you think SARA should be with??

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CSI companion is a book that is very GSR biased and so I don't put much stock in what it says. I have also read article that talk about Griss and Catherine. Marg has even mentioned a about a relationship between them. So sometimes it G/S other times its G/C so its still up in the air.
Yes Kira you are right. Some articles are very biased. I guess it depends on which ship you ship as to how you read into things. I also think the companion who was done by a Gil/Sara shipper wrote it as such and left out a whole bunch of otehr stuff that was said.
I don't think they know who that want to put Grissom with. I mean I personally am a GSR shipper but still nothing has happened there either. I think it could go several ways. I man now it seems there is a little Greg/Sara flirting going on since the shower scene.
There was the scene Grissom and Cath where he missed her tush but the last half of the season it was a lot of Greg and Sara with a little Nick thrown it to keep you off balance.
And if they paired them off they could possible loose the views who wanted a different ship. I know I've heard so GSR's say if they paired Grissom with Cath they would stop watching the show same as I've heard Grillows say if the put Sara and Grissom together they would quite watching. So its best if they don't pair anyone up.
eh, i'd still watch. i'd be cussing the screen and throwing things at it if it were gsr, but i'd still watch.
I'd still watch no matter what ship got their way. The show isn't *just* about the ships. <-- that sentence is laughable considering it isn't *about* the ships at all.

However, even if Greg never gets Sara I'd still get to write my Greg/Sara fics. That's why we have fan fiction!
I pay absolutely no attention to the CSI Companion simplt for the fact that it mentions nothing but GSR. It doesn't even acknowledge any other ship, though others have been hinted at as well. It is clearly biased. Actually, I don't put much stock in commentary or interviews at all (even those that support my ships) unless it is one of TPTB saying "we are gonna go with ____ and take them in this direction," and that rarely happens.

I'm all about the canon. You gotta watch for those subtle moments that really make a ship. I am firmly rooted in my opinion and don't need to hear other people's preferences to validate my own.
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