Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I voted Grissom! and i started a new page! hehe

anyways, instead of talking about why we don't think sara would work with someone (grissom, nick, greg etc)
why don't we talk about why we think she should be with someone or talk about where they think they see the relationship..ie state your three ( five, ten however many) top moments that you think shows the relationship at it's best.

since i am a gsr shipper my top moments/scenes/episodes would be

grissoms speech in butterflied
playing with fire
hunger artist (the song that plays!)

Are you talking about anyone in General or just Gil/ Sara moments. If it is just Gil/Sara should it not be in the Gil and Sara folder? This folder is titled who should Sara be with not the top best mometns of sara and Gil or Sara and who ever.

Maybe the top best moments whould have its own folder? Just a suggestion.

I think that CSI_Gal's suggestion was, rather than slagging off certain ships, we should state reasons why Sara should be with whoever we think she should be with - whether it be Nick or Greg or Grissom or Warrick or whoever... A good way to do that is to say something like:

"I think Sara belongs with Nicky because he makes her laugh and they used to flirt all the time such as in ...such and such an episode... " etc etc.

By listing maybe 3 times that have good UST moments between Sara and whoever, and using those to say why Sara should be with them, we'd be fulfilling the thread title "Who do you think SARA should be with??"

I agree with CSI_Gal - it'd be more constructive than arguing why Sara shouldn't be with someone - which isn't the name of the thread...
okay this is insane man - i leave for 3 days and you post 88 replies!! Progress !
Wouldnt it be cute if Justin Timberlake was guest on the show and they fell for each other * heart flutters* lol
I voted Grissom! and i started a new page! hehe

anyways, instead of talking about why we don't think sara would work with someone (grissom, nick, greg etc)
why don't we talk about why we think she should be with someone or talk about where they think they see the relationship..ie state your three ( five, ten however many) top moments that you think shows the relationship at it's best.

since i am a gsr shipper my top moments/scenes/episodes would be

grissoms speech in butterflied
playing with fire
hunger artist (the song that plays!)


Are you talking about anyone in General or just Gil/ Sara moments. If it is just Gil/Sara should it not be in the Gil and Sara folder? This folder is titled who should Sara be with not the top best mometns of sara and Gil or Sara and who ever.

Maybe the top best moments whould have its own folder? Just a suggestion.


I think that CSI_Gal's suggestion was, rather than slagging off certain ships, we should state reasons why Sara should be with whoever we think she should be with - whether it be Nick or Greg or Grissom or Warrick or whoever... A good way to do that is to say something like:

"I think Sara belongs with Nicky because he makes her laugh and they used to flirt all the time such as in ...such and such an episode... " etc etc.

By listing maybe 3 times that have good UST moments between Sara and whoever, and using those to say why Sara should be with them, we'd be fulfilling the thread title "Who do you think SARA should be with??"

I agree with CSI_Gal - it'd be more constructive than arguing why Sara shouldn't be with someone - which isn't the name of the thread...

That is exactly what i meant...i just used grissom/sara examples cause thats who i want sara with...but it was meant for all pairings..it just seemed more constructive... *shrugs*
But without pros AND cons the discussion will be very difficult. I mean you have to be able to compare the guys (or gals) somehow or it won´t make any sense.

For example I have to say "Greg makes Sara laugh- more than anyone else". To just put "Greg makes Sara laugh" doesn´t say anything since the others could make her laugh *more* for all we know.

It´s also good practise to discuss negative views (not bashing of course-just ignore) of your ship and it makes you think more and keep an open mind.

I totally agree there should be respect for other ships and so far I think 99% of posts in this thread have been GREAT discussions and open debates without flaming or bashing. Let´s not one or two bad posters destroy the discussion. I love the thread the way it is. JMO. :)
Hey FoxRox, I'm all for friendly debate. And I'm all for opposing arguments. And I'm definitely not saying that we shouldn't say one guy (or girl) would be *better* for her than all the rest.

I'm just more interested in hearing about the positives with regard to each potential love-interest. For a while there, all I was hearing was 'Grissom would be bad for her because...' 'Grissom and Sara shouldn't be together because...' (it was actually kinda turning into Grissom bashing, and that makes me sad, cuz I LOVE all of our lead CSIs, and I wouldn't want to hear anyone bashing Warrick or Nick or Greg either)

I'm more interested in hearing non-GSR-shippers say - 'I think Nick and Sara belong together because...' or 'Greg is the prefect guy for Sara because...' or 'Warrick and Sara just have to be together because...' Or 'the reason Catherine and Sara bicker every so often is because they're totally hot for each other' (he he, kinda agree on this last one...) :lol:

By all means, disagree. Be passionate about what ever ship you sail. Tell us why you love it so much. I just happen to think that rapsodising positively on one's own ship, rather than being negative about another ship, is a more constructive way to proceed. JMHO. xx
I have an idea, lte Sara be with Grissom in Monday and Tuesday, Thirsday and Wednesday belongs to Greg, Friday and Saturday are Nick's, Sunday is Warrick's ......what do you think? :devil: :devil:
Is Sara ever going to be busy. :lol: The guys might get jealous if they find out she's four timing. What a great idea! :devil:
The guys might get jealous if they find out she's four timing. What a great idea! :devil:
Don't worry, Sara never sleeps, right? :devil: :devil:...and she's smart enough to cover her tracks :devil:...Maybe I'll try it one day :devil: :devil: :lol:
:devil:..Lol...It's a compliment or sarcasm? :lol: :lol:......It's great challenge to your energy, your IQ, right? :devil: :D
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