Who do you think SARA should be with??

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If Sara ends up with someone else than Grissom it´s ENTIRELY Grissoms own fault. He has messed her up, hurt her and doesn´t deserve her. And as long as he sits back and does nothing- nothing is what´s gonna happen. Sad but true.

All S4 he was an a** to her totally shutting her off. And he did not even respect her enough to explain the promotion thing. Then he asks Sofia out so it can´t really be the job thing holding him back.
Still he acts weird when Sara wants to move on. Typical egocentric behavior. Just because he has feelings for Sara that he´s not prepared to act on she´s not supposed to have a LIFE? Grr.

If Grissom really loved and cared about Sara he would not treat her this way. He would want her to be happy with someone who´s able to give her all that he can´t give her. She is still young and has a chance at starting a family, but Grissom destroys that by stringing her along for so long.
I totally agree with FoxRox, but I ust think that it still might happen. Everytime Grissom leads her onto believe he likes her, he gets to scared and backs out. Trust me I was so mad at him season four, at the finale I was shouting at the screen "What the friggin hell are you doing! She's asking you out! Say yes you idiot!!!!"

I think the reason he asked Sophia out is because he DOESN'T like her, so he's feel more comfortable. I mean isn't it more comfortable to be around some one who is just a friend instead a crush?

Although in butterflied, i think thats the way he told Sara he liked her, so maybe she tried to act on it, so Grissom shut her out(?)

Good gods...this show is turning into a soap opera, if I owned the show, we would have GSR and whatever Warrick and Catherine is! But unfortenently, I don't even own a decent pair of shoes...
I'd rather Sara end up with anyone on the show other than Grissom. I don't think he deserves her. Also, I don't think they would be good for one another even if they did get together. Sara's whole problem is that work rules her life. She needs someone that can pull her out of her shell. What's the use in crawling out of her shell if she's just going to crawl into Grissom's? Face it, with the exception of Catherine Grissom doesn't seem to have any close friends, and even Catherine has a hard time getting anything out of him. Sara needs someone more social. Someone that can help her through her issues and that she can possibly help in some way. Nick, Greg, or even a new character fits that role much better than Grissom IMO.
All S4 he was an a** to her totally shutting her off. And he did not even respect her enough to explain the promotion thing.

He was totally an a** in season 4 except butterflied. Especially in "Invisible evidence", sara was humuliated by him in public "I'm hading out assignment, sara.It's not negotiation"... :mad: :mad:..And the next day he was trying to flirt with her.."pin me down"..why would he do that? :eek:
Yeah that scene got me really mad as well. But well "pin me down" fixed it.
Actually I don't really see them flirting after season three. Their relationship became more serious and subtle.

Have anyone ever thought that maybe Grissom does feel that Sara doesn't deserve him? that he is too dark for her goodness...
He loves her and probably wants her...but he can't have her...for the reasons only he knows.
I think Sara understands Grissom much more than others though he doesn't share much about himself to anyone. She knows Grissom's habit, his character, his love for work, his inabilities...very well..and she loves him in spite of everything. That's gotto be sth.
I respect love ...and in this case Sara's love...and I don't want it to go in vain. I'm just waiting for Grissom to confess about what's stopping him.
Have anyone ever thought that maybe Grissom does feel that Sara doesn't deserve him? that he is too dark for her goodness...
Exactly what I was thinking. He thought Sara doesn't deserve him, he's afraid that sara will regret getting together with him.....Grissom doesn't like being out of control.

Grissom's yarning for sara is real, according to someone.So i think Grissom did this to sara was for her own good, at least he thought so.
Even if his intentions were good he´s still ended up hurting her badly. It doesn´t excuse any of his behavior. Why not let her down gently and then keep it friendly? But NO he had to be really blunt about turning her down and then he just as abruptly ended their friendship. Then he holds her back professionally and to top it off he messes with her head when she tries to move on. Geez who is he? The evil puppetmaster or something? :mad:
Wow....Grissom becomes a aim... :lol: :lol:

In fact, Grissom loves sara more than sara loves her...he just doesn't how to express it.But sara knows how to express it...I think in case "something important" happens in the future, Grissom will react fiercely then sara does :rolleyes:
i'll say it again... Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick and oh yeah NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!... see love is not about control or toying w/one another... i mean if that gets you off then go ahead but in the end love has to be like this...

Sunday morning, rain is falling
Steal some covers, share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy
Living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you

That may be all I need
In darkness, she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave

Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends

That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave

But things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do
Sunday morning, rain is falling and I'm calling out to you
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you
Find a way to bring myself back home to you

And you may not know
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Oh, come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow, driving slow (all I need, all I see)
oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah (bones with me)
I'm a flower in your hair
yeah yeah, yeah yeah
It's a nice song,midnightsun :rolleyes:...but everyone has different opinion....

To us, love is about control...and responsibility,you can't easily love someone and then leave him or her..love means sacrifice. Every one must consider it before you love someone, otherwise do not say " I love you" ;)
^ true very true, but a lot of things depend upon our own point of view... at least that's what i've heard... personally i've never been in love... REAL love that is, but if i were i so wouldn't be putting up with all the stuff she does "don't waste the pretty"
ive never been in lovev either..i thought i was tho. in fact 4 awhile i was kind of in saras position with grissom
I also have never been in love. But I'm impatient. And Grissom (I think that Grissom and Sara belong together) is taking forever. So if anything is gonna happen it needs to happen soon. I mean like frickin SOON!
I like this "slow romance"..maybe sometimes you're impatience but it's just like a art manufacture.....it needs time and patience, when it's done, it could be delicate and steady :rolleyes: :)
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