Who do you think SARA should be with??

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I think she should be with Grissom, whom dares to defy Butterflied, Committed, Playing with Fire!
I dare. :D Given, Butterflied did prove that Grissom does harbor some feelings for Sara, it isnt conclusive enough to prove they should be together. I think TPTB do that on purpose. They give all ships just enough evidence to keep them afloat. With the exception of that one line in Play with Fire, i didnt find it to be too much of a GSR-heavy ep. In fact, i managed to dig up a little subtext for my own ship in it. :lol: As far as Committed goes, I actually expected Grissom to have more of a reaction to the situation than he did.

I will concede that TPTB have GSR tendencies, much to my chagrin...
I dare. :D Given, Butterflied did prove that Grissom does harbor some feelings for Sara, it isnt conclusive enough to prove they should be together.
Yeah, if you didn't see any GSR before, fine. But "butterflied" is too obvious...the resemblance...the confession....But it was not an interaction between Grissom and sara, it was between Grissom and Dr. Lurie, so TPTB need more evidence.....Then "committed" showed up :lol:.

Don't worry, we can see more in the future :rolleyes:
But the thing with Butterflied is Grissom gives his reasons NOT to be with Sara. So it´s a rejection in effect. In spite of his feelings Grissom says he could never risk it to be with Sara.

It´s very cowardly of Grissom. To me that indicates he does not love her enough and does not deserve her. Grissom has had plenty chances. Now- to me- he cannot redeem himself.

Sara needs and deserves someone who can show her how GREAT she is, cause she´s been through so much and has never been treated right. She was let down by her parents her friend and Hank. Not to mention Grissom.

Now TPTB just let Sara be loved RIGHT by someone so she can be all that she can be. Greg or Nick (or even Warrick), I don´t care as long as the guy loves her and is able to SHOW that to her. :)
^^ Word! Sure, Grissom and Sara may have feelings for one another, but that doesn't mean they would make a good, successful couple. The difference between caring and loving is that if you truly love someone they are a part of you, and you do whatever is necessary to be with hime/her. Others may see it differently, but I dont think he's really IN LOVE with her.
Grissom totally belongs with sara. hes the one she turns to hence committed and nesting dolls
It´s very cowardly of Grissom. To me that indicates he does not love her enough and does not deserve her. Grissom has had plenty chances. Now- to me- he cannot redeem himself.
He's not coward, he just didn't lose rationality.You know most people are blind when they're in love, they would do something stupid that hurt their another half.

Grissom definitely knew that if they get together in public, they'll be both ruined, at least their career. Maybe Grissom won't lose his job cuz he's too important to LVPD, but what about sara?

Grissom didn't wanna ruin sara's career, so he refrains himself, takes care of sara privatelyI'm not worried, I'm concerned. ;)
Sorry I don´t get what you are saying. Is Grissom saying he´s "concerned" about Sara equal to a declaration of love or something?
In that case I don´t agree with you. A lot of ppl- like my 85yr old neighbour would be in love with me in that case :lol:

Grissom has feelings for Sara, but he´s not in love with her. He´s had no problem asking women he had a crush on out before. We know he´s capable. Just not with Sara. And she deserves a whole lot more than Grissom´s little cat and mouse games. I mean he won´t do anything about his supposed feelings but he gets pissed when she moves on. It seems he sees Sara as an object or property not a person cherish and respect.

As long as Grissom doesn´t act or "risk" something- there is no ship bw him and Sara. Sara has already done all she can do and is through with it.

And another thing: In my experience when ppl are truly in love they act on it- damned the consequences.
Ok I disagree with you.
Re: "I'm not worried, I'm concerned."

It's not only the quote in particular...it's how Grissom expresses his concern for Sara and how Sara caughts his play of words. But well you can interpret in anyway you want..and that's what the tptbs want, I guess.

Foxrox:He´s had no problem asking women he had a crush on out before.

See you have answer in your own question. The key word there is 'crush.' Grissom doesn't have crush on Sara...but whatever you please to say...he has feelings much deeper and higher than crush.
All the time he has gone out with other women...he or his job has screwed it up. He cannot offered to mess his relationship with Sara. Being his partner...Sara is atleast always near him and he sees her everyday....and that is so much for him.

you know, I remember when he said to Sara-
Grissom: I havn't seen you a lot, have I?
Sara: you see me everyday.

Sara works with Grissom closely..and yet he misses her..now just imagine what would have happened to Grissom if he had lost Sara during team split to Catherine. I can only imagine how painful it could have been for Grissom. Thankfully Sara was in his team.
Yeah, you reminded me of an old Chinese saying:

Poeple are lonely and introvert when they're in deep love

Sometimes you needn't say too much, express too much, she could understand what you're thinking: It's Ok, Grissom :)
Yes ancienttomb. I heartily agree with you and the chinese saying.

Oh by the way, I made a mistake in previous post...
not 'offered'--I meant to say 'afford.'
Anyone but Grissom. If she ends up with Grissom, I will be very dissapointed. I like her with Nick and her with Greg. Like I said, anyone but Grissom. He's mine. lol jk He;s for Catherine.
You reminded me of an old Chinese saying:

Poeple are lonely and introvert when they're in deep love

Sometimes you needn't say too much, express too much, she could understand what you're thinking: It's Ok, Grissom :)

*cries* Nicely said ancienttomb - ooohhhh, all this GSR is so sad sometimes...all this angst etc. and they still not together :( if Sara ends up with someone other than Grissom, I will die :eek:
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