Who do you think SARA should be with??

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Well greg's hair,...it was much better before.

Well whatever being said, I don't see Sara with anyone but Grissom. Greg has a long way to go if he wants to be with Sara.
Sara maybe moving on, but I don't think she's moving on towards Greg.
OH yeah I knew you'd bring the Warrick thing there.....
but I never said that he's never been there for others. I was just replying to the post that said that Grissom hasn't been there for Sara. Honestly, I can't ignore Grissom's feelings for Sara. The problem is I cannot point it out...but I know it's there.
Well greg's hair,...it was much better before.

Well whatever being said, I don't see Sara with anyone but Grissom. Greg has a long way to go if he wants to be with Sara.
Sara maybe moving on, but I don't think she's moving on towards Greg.
Don't tell me that sara has "Oedipus Complex" :lol:..she prefers older man...well that make sense..her father was killed when she was 13.. sara lacks paternal affection :lol:
Well greg's hair,...it was much better before.

Well whatever being said, I don't see Sara with anyone but Grissom. Greg has a long way to go if he wants to be with Sara.
Sara maybe moving on, but I don't think she's moving on towards Greg.
OH yeah I knew you'd bring the Warrick thing there.....
but I never said that he's never been there for others. I was just replying to the post that said that Grissom hasn't been there for Sara. Honestly, I can't ignore Grissom's feelings for Sara. The problem is I cannot point it out...but I know it's there.

I had never stated Grissom wasn't there, because face it, he was. It just makes me mad listening to everyone talk like he's the only person on earth that knows that Sara exists. Grissom has always seemed to be there for everyone when they've most needed support, so his actions towards sara can't really be seen in any other way.

Easily stated, no one else was there for Sara. You can point that out for the other characters. Was there anyone else there for Warrick? How about for Catherine after she was suspended in PWF? Grissom caught her back. These scenes where Grissom is comforting Sara can't really be interpeted as Shippy scenes, then you would have to interpert all the other scenes where he is comforting others as Shippy, and that would make Grissom a player basically.

Honestly, I'm sorry, but there has to be better evidence than these scenes to point towards a relationship. Sara's past is not exactly sweet childhood memories, so when these scenes do occur, it's going to be more noticable, because it isn't like warrick's gambling problem, or catherine's mistakes, and so forth. It's a much deeper emotion, and that alone is going to have a greater effect.

Sara is moving on, in one way or another. If she's looking at Greg, it's going to take quite a bit of time before a relationship is started, or even thought of. After everything Sara has gone through, with Hank and being turned down by Grissom, and her childhood, it's going to be hard for her to trust again. And Greg, as far as we know, has never been in a serious relationship.

The only thing I know is that she seems happier,and so much more comfortable around Greg than when she is with Grissom.

As far as his hair goes, I wouldn't rule completly shaved out quite yet. Knowing Greg, anything is possible :lol:
Ill admit that there are feelings between Grissom and Sara. You'd have to be blind not to see it, but i dont necessarily think it is a romantic thing. Grissom is a mentor to Sara. We are led to believe he has helped inspire her to be such a successful CSI. She should love him for that. Unlike many others, i feel that Sara has misplaced her feelings for Grissom. She interprets her feelings for him to be romantic, when she could just be looking for someone to hold onto. Grissom obviously has feelings for Sara, but i can't bring myself to believe he is in love with her. If he really loved her he would, IMO, have done something over the course of 5 years. Even if he does, i dont think he deserves to have her. He's had plenty of chances, all of which he wasted. I would lose all respect for Sara if she got with Grissom at this point.

I think Sara should be with Nick. I realize TPTB seem to have given up on them, but i think there is a good reason for that. GSR, regardless if it ever comes to fruition, serves as a major source of angst for the show. It seems that once a majority of the N/S stopped, GSR was put more in the spotlight. I think TPTB saw N/S as a threat to GSR, so they toned it down for a while. But that doesnt mean it isnt there. Theyve always thrown Snickers fans a bone once in a while to keep hope up. For example, in play with fire, Nick walks up to Sara and calls her on her overconfidence. Instead of ignoring criticism, as she does from most others, Sara realizes he is right, and is slightly embarassed. The same thing happened at the end of you've got male. Nick tells her to get out more, and she heeds his advice (and i still think she called him) instead of getting annoyed. Nick and Sara have always been there for one another. They have always seen through each other's acts and tried to improve the other. Given, this last season saw very little N/S, but that doesnt mean they dont care about one another anymore. It's hard to spend time together when you work two different shifts. If the shifts merge, i think we will see a rekindling of their old friendship. I think Sara will be there for Nick after GD just like she was after Stalker.

Whether it becomes romantic or not, i think that Nick and Sara's close relationship at least needs to be readressed and expanded upon.
Whether it becomes romantic or not, i think that Nick and Sara's close relationship at least needs to be readressed and expanded upon.

WEll I agree with this. I just adore their friendship..

And for the love(or not love) thing, Josh Berman and David Rambo both have said that Grissom and Sara love each other, though they said 'they think.' Well they, the writers are the ones who have written stories for GSR so who knows better than them.
George Eads also mentioned about how GSR seemed better and realistic. He did compare nick/warrick/cath's relationship to them...but he started talking about GSR when asked about romantic relationship in the show(so I'd like to include that as a proof of GSR existence).
There are some things written in Companion about GSR's as well, which I don't remember line by line right now. Well I agree that Sara is (maybe) moving on...but I completely disagree that their relation is just friendship and boss(mentor)/subordinate. There is love...and it's pretty damn sure thing.
We're just not sure whether it will continue or not...no one knows. Bummer.
Have JB and DR actually SAID Grissom are in love with each other? I know DR stated Grissom cares for her and notices the little things but I haven't read an actual statement from any of the writers that Grissom really LOVES her (I think they enjoy it being vague).

Again, the whole GE statement about GSR seemed odd to me. Why was he talking about a storyline that doesn't involve him? I just find it interesting while GE may have talked about the GSR relationship in his interview, JF has had 2 interviews where she stated Sara is getting over Grissom and (possibly) looking at Greg.

Again, I think Emmithar is correct that the writers have been pretty much neutral when showing what Grissom has done for Sara...Grissom has been there for all his employees. Also, DR had stated in his YTDAW to look at Grissom bringing Sara tea as a sign of how much he notices her. (snort) I wonder if that means if the coworkers have noticed my preference of Mountain Dew and brought them to me on occasion really hints at their secret longing for me!

Lastly, and again I want to hear from the GSRers here, we can argue about Grissom's supposed love for her forever, the FACT remains is he has done nothing about his feelings. In real life, people would have moved on...and I fully support Sara doing so. I also don't understand how people say they CARE about Sara and don't support her moving on. It's just not healthy.
(Why else would he hallucinate her in Butterflied and rush all her cases? Also he let´s slip these weird subcounscious comments like "honey" and "baby" and "I have a girl named Sara" etc).

I haven't read this thread to the very end yet so if you have answered this to someone else already, I apologize. But what episode was that comment made in, the one with him having a girl named Sara???

I think I remember him calling her baby or sweetheart once but I don't know what episode that was in. Hard core GSR fans, help me out here.
he called her 'honey' after the lab explosion in 'Playing with Fire', he said he had a 'girl named Sara' in the season 2 finale 'The Hunger Artist'
he called her 'honey' after the lab explosion in 'Playing with Fire', he said he had a 'girl named Sara' in the season 2 finale 'The Hunger Artist'

I thought it might be you who answered my question. I probably should have just addressed it to you. :lol:
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