Where you from?

Yeah Keanu was born in Lebanon... and yes it is the flag with a tree in the middle, very good DaWacko :lol: *applauds mod*. Its the cedar tree, Lebanon's famous attraction :D even in the days before Christ, all the countries would get their wood from Lebby... i'm so proud to be a wood supplier :D :D
Heh... we are wood country too. It's our most important export thingy. And we have wood. Almost 70% of the country is covered by forest. :D
Like LiquidCrystal, jorja_fan86 and others, I am from Vancouver BC [Canada]. To be more specific, I am living in this little suburb called Burnaby [odd name eh?] and I study at SFU [no, that does not stand for "Sorry For U"] ;P
DaWacko... i think i've found my twin *sobs* - thank you for being a fellow wooder :D

oh God, we need help. That's what we get for not bein Canadian...
Isn't Keanu Reeves born in Lebanon?
Doesn't Lebanon have that tree in their flag? What tree is it?
*is like little kid qith questions*

And am I imagining or was Lebanon about to be in Eurovision

Song Contest last spring but was then removed?
No offense but I like it to be EUROPEAN thing (even it's bit crappy show :lol: ) since it's EUROvision. I'm already offended that Israel in it and at least not in my maps... Israel isn't in Europe.

And you know... country doesn't need McDonalds so you'd bother to visit it ;) I swear. If I came there... I doubt McDonalds would be the place where I eat
(even in Stockholm I eat always at McDonalds but it's a different thing... :p )
Don't ask me y, but somehow
Keanu strikes me as being a name from New Zealand, somehow!
I was actually born in Fresno, California (they have mentioned it on CSI) but I am currently living in Madera (about 10-20 miles away from Fresno). I live in the Valley...*sniff*
I was born and still live in the boondock/willy whacks town of Presque Isle, Maine. There is NOTHING here... they closed down our movie theater.. and Van Buren (which is half an hour away) is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the only town in the U.S.A. (or world) with a MacDonalds that closed.
I'm from a small town in Ontario Canada, enjoying our cold weather right now! :)
i'm from a small town in southern germany (baden württemberg), but i'll move to heilbronn (closer to stuttgart ^^) soon =) hope it'll work this year!