What's your first, favorite and funniest episode?


-Not sure of the name of the episode but it's the one where the recruiter was shot and then drug onto a shooting range?
Found the show interesting and of course the eye candy didn't hurt. I've been hooked ever since.


-Not sure I have one absolute favorite episode quite yet. (Haven't seen them all). I like "All In" --the look on the guy's face when they all pull out their guns....priceless! I also like "Man Down" --liked seeing the team work together to help one of their own.


-"Curse of the Coffin" Found that very amusing. I find many individual moments in certain episodes funny. Like pulling the black boxes out of the alligator pit. :)
I find Speed and Delko's interactions amusing most of the time.
Not sure what the first or funniest episodes I have seen are, but my favorites would have to be all of the ones where Azura Skye starred as Suzie in it. I love the fact that she and Madison were brought into the show and I believe that they should be brought back again or at least mentioned. After all, they have not been in it since S3 when Maddie had cancer and Yelina learned the truth, so I for one would like to know how she is.
. I love the fact that she and Madison were brought into the show and I believe that they should be brought back again or at least mentioned. After all, they have not been in it since S3 when Maddie had cancer and Yelina learned the truth, so I for one would like to know how she is.

Ooooo, you're right. I hadn't thought about that. I just started watching recently so I see them all in reruns, out of order, and hadn't realized that we hadn't learned more about Madison's cancer.
First Episode
"Cross Jurisdiction"
You won't believe it but I have seen Csi:Miami from the first episode: The pilot! I watched CSI at the time and I really fell in love with the new show and I waited for it to start! I've been in love since then!;)

Me too, I've watched CSI:Miami from the very first episode and haven't missed an episode since except for 'Deviant', cos I was in the ICU in hospital! :lol:

Favourite Episode
It's really hard to pick one. Alot have been ones I like depending on the season. I'd said in the early years it has to be 'Hurricane Anthony'. I loved the H/Yelina interaction in that episode and the ending was very sweet. After season 3 the show moved on to more "Action-H" and I have to say that I like 'Ambush' and 'All In' alot too.

Funniest Episode
'Curse of the Coffin'. CSI:Miami isn't big on the humour, so this wasn't hard to pick. Ryan running from the lab, then him with Cal and Eric in the last scene was funny.
Cool. I luved cross jurisdictions, infact I just watched it in the summer.

-The hog running out and H gave it way to pass was funny:lol:
Okay, here we go.

Under The Influence was the first episode of ALL the CSI's that I saw. (It's funny how the first CSI episode I saw was the one where Ryan was introduced!) At that point I thought CSI: Miami would be an interesting show. Is was after that episode that I started wactching the show. What drew me to the show was all the characters and the fact that they delivered their lines so well.

My favorite CSI: Miami episode has got to be Resurrection. One reason is because Ryan has a lot of screen time in that episode and because H comes back!! I do have more than one favorite episode, but it would take forever to list them all!:)

Wrecking Crew is the most funniest CSI: Miami episode. Just because we find out Ryan is afraid of heights!:lol:
First: Cop Killer
I don't remember it very well, i just remember seeing it in my college dorm.

I really enjoyed seeing Recoil

I'll have to say, Dispo Day, Calleigh getting high was hilarious (even though it could have costed her her job)
Which future episode do you think is best?

Head Case?
And They're Offed?
Smoke Gets In Your CSI's?
Presumed Guilty?
Sink or Swim?

I think Smoke...CSI's is gonna be the bestest! Cause Emily can act. Who else?
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The funniest episode I ever seen was Curse of the Coffin. I thought it was so hysterical the way Ryan ran out of that morgue when the dead body popped up. Poor Ryan.
I'm looking forward just to the third one just for 2 reasons:
-Khandi's returin.
-The acting which, I know, will be fantastic since we finally have to see Khandi & Emily :thumbsup: . I've always thought they're the best actresses of the show, and I'm sure they'll be able to convey with every kind of situation the episode contains.
Plus their bonding is something special.
Wat're you guys views on the extented promo for next week? Are you siked for the epi? Think you know what's gonna happen, or are TPTB misleading you?