What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

For me CSI: NY ranks number 1. It has the best characters and storylines. CSI: LV is a close second. Their biggest drawback for me right now is the loss of Grissom that I am not over yet. If it was not for that it would probably be a tie for me. CSI: Miami has almost become a joke lately. They never focus on the poor or middle class Miami. It is always the rich with babes in bikinis.
I think they are all good in their own way but Vegas was the first one i watched, its always been my favourite. I'm addicted to NY at the moment.....Blame Mac ;D and i like Miami although Horatio can be annoying sometimes. :p
I prefer the original CSI because, well, I like originals. Plus I feel that the other two are just low-grade carbon copies of the first show. Even so, I do like CSI: NY once in awhile. [: Flack & Messer have a special place in my heart.

Additionally, I feel that all of the shows are starting to lose their steam. :/ It's becoming fairly redundant & downright ridiculous.

But I like how the original CSI hasn't REALLY clouded the concept of the show with too many awkward love stories (aside from GRS+SARA) like the other two. I think it touches base on a more scientific/realistic level compared to Miami & NY. I like the darkness of NY though. Miami I just despise. Neither the characters or the plots are favorable to me.

Anndddd I'm a sucker for Nick & Greg<3
Csi ny I think that out of all the Csi's Ny has the best cast chemistry.
Thats what I like most about that show and Danny and Lindsay:):)
I'm going to have to say CSI:LV, because that's the one I'm most familiar with. Also, I feel that it has the best storylines and characters out of the three shows. I tried to watch CSI: Miami as well as CSI:NY, but I couldn't really "get into" them the way I'm into CSI:LV.

...And, of course, I do have quite the soft spot for Gil Grissom. :adore:
I only watch C.S.I. Las Vegas :D What makes the original better then the others is the fact that they were the first and that the characters are so special there :) Man where in the other shows can you see a guy who's crying??? Nicky is only in C.S.I. Las Vegas :p

I don't know why I can't identify with the others... but Miami is me too "sunny"... I mean a corpse lieing under palms when sun is shining and investigators wearing designer clothes, that just don't match, at least not for me...
CSI New York for sure!!! and it's mostly about the actors. Gary Sinise is great, and the others are fine. Whereas there's at least one person in both miami and original that I'm unable to watch.
Although I still watch original. Can't watch Miami; i used to but Horatio killed it.
The original has paled this year, because Bill's gone, and it appears Greg/Hodges/"other support staff," are getting fewer lines. I'm happy with Lawrence joining, but the new girl and marg are ridiculous; so I'm slowly losing my desire to watch.
CSI the original! I can't pay attention enough for NY and Miami , i tried actually but it didn't work... :p Maybe it is about the cast and acting or the characters and the mood , maybe both...
1). CSI--- It made it possible to have CSI: NY and CSI: Miami! If CSI would have got cancelled, we would not have any off the shows...
2). CSI: NY--- Love the characters and love NY!
3). CSI: Miami--- Not really big fan of this CSI:(
Always loved LV, but as soon as Grissom and Warwick were gone I kind of lost interest. Still watch it here and there just to see Kathryn (Love her, she's great)

I am totally addicted to NY now. Think the stories are unique if not sometimes completely out in space:guffaw: The ol eyeball in the coffee gambit...very funny
Of course all the guys on the show are insanely gorgeous. Mac makes me drool, Flack is just too beautiful for words and Danny and Hawkes are just pure candy for the eyes. (sorry got off track a bit there:rolleyes:)

As for Miami, well I'm sorry I just can't...no offense but I can't watch more than a few minutes of Horatio. Every time I put on my sunglasses I think of him and well....that's just not right:guffaw:
I guess there all great shows or they wouldnt have such a huge fan base

but my vote goes to NY
I always thought, and I still think, that CSI LV is the best. It has the most interesting characters and storylines. NY and Miami just don't do it for me. I watch them sometimes, but they don't have the charm that LV has.
Is it just me or most people that don't like Miami is becouse of super Horatio? I like all 3 but Vegas is my favorite.Characters are way more interesting and it's a more intelligent show.But I like the action of Miami and the darkness of NY.
No, your completely right, at least it's like that for me. I tried to watch an episode of Miami a few days ago and ended up screaming at H after just two minutes or so. Plus Miami is far too bright for me and the CSI are dressed far too classy for my taste. I mean high heels at the beach? :rolleyes:

Another thing that I've realized while watching S4 of NY on DVD is that the cuts are far too fast sometimes. I'm not an old woman (I'm far from it) but I sometimes thought if they don't stop soon I'm going to get sick :lol:
Is it just me or most people that don't like Miami is becouse of super Horatio? I like all 3 but Vegas is my favorite.Characters are way more interesting and it's a more intelligent show.But I like the action of Miami and the darkness of NY.

I find Miami a little like an action-soap opera; but could tolerate without Horatio, it is his lack of acting ability (sorry to all fans) that kills it for me.