What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

The original CSI Vegas, definitely!!!

I can't stand the others - the actors are awful, the characters are one-dimensional. The actors and the characters make those shows really boring. Especially Miami. If they had some good actors, I think they might be okay.
This is certainly a toughie.

I have been a long-time fan of CSI Vegas and probably still would be if they hadn't gutted the cast... but now that Sara, Warrick and especially Grissom are gone, I haven't been able to bring myself to watch. Taking Grissom out of CSI Vegas is sort of like taking Mulder out of the X-Files - it just isn't the X-Files anymore. It's something similar: it's a pale imitation of a once great show that depended on the presence of a great character. As a long-time X-Files fan, I could see how the show rapidly deteriorated despite the inclusion of a new agent played by a highly recognizable actor. I hope the same doesn't happen for CSI Vegas (Lawrence seems to be popular so far) but even if the show pulls through this setback with flying colors, I won't be able to appreciate it in the same way as before.

I've gotten into CSI Miami over the past couple of years and I've come to absolutely love it. The thing is... I love it in a completely different way than I loved CSI Vegas. I watched CSI Vegas because it was intelligent, it was intriguing, it was well written, it was well acted, it was well directed, etc... and oh, yes, there was some great shipper material as well.

Here's the difference - I watch CSI Miami purely for the mindless entertainment value. The plots are usually paper thin and occasionally positively ridiculous, the lighting is all sorts of wonky (the first few seasons had the lab shrouded in almost complete darkness and then the later seasons have the lab lit up to the point that it glows like neon), the characters provide unnecessary verbal breakdowns of their tests and procedures to each other as though the other members of the team don't already know what's going on, the writing is mediocre and often downright cheesy, and Horatio has turned into a cartoonish caricature of a one-liner-spewing bad-ass.

But I LOVE CSI Miami. I love it love it love it! I love it despite, and sometimes BECAUSE of, its flaws. Plus, I am SUCH a sucker for the Eric/Calleigh pairing. :adore:

Oh, and I've never seen a full episode of CSI New York (except for the CSI Miami cross-over).

So...... I guess, after far too much babbling, my order of preference goes like this:

(1) CSI Miami
(2) CSI Vegas
(3) CSI New York
CSI LV is my all time favorite.Even on a bad day ,is still beter then any other show.The cases are better,same as team interaction ,action and direction.I like it even without grissom.The chemistry between the actors is one of the best that I have seen in any show.

Second place was NY but since they introduced this lighter version of the show and the addition of Lindsay is not the same.I still love Flack,Adam ,mac and Stella but somehting is missing.

I stopped watching Miami religiously in season 4 but I used to catch one ore 2 episodes from time to time.Now I am w atching more faithfuly and sometimes is ridiculous but is at least fun.Ryan is more tolerable and Horation more human.Not to mention that E/C is always a plus in my book.
I started off being an early watcher of CSI:LV, but I gradually became bored with it... probably around the time GSR came around and all that stuff with Warrick was happening... Not sure why, but I just lost interest in the show.
Nevertheless, I'll catch an episode here and there on Spike if it's on.

I never got into CSI:NY, but I like to watch it when I have free time. That's what's good about the CSI: series, there usually aren't any terribly significant storyline changes (besides cast changes of course), so usually you can watch any random episode and know what's going on.

CSI: Miami would have to be my favorite, though. Sure, the plots may seem a bit ridiculous at times, but that's what TV is for, right? Entertainment! Plus, I can't help but laugh my head off at Horatio's one-liners. I wonder if it's difficult for him to keep a straight face...:lol: Not to mention the attractive actors and color filters they use on that show make my eyes happy! :D Such a great show to look at, if nothing else!

1. CSI: Miami
2. CSI: LV
3. CSI: NY
I started out by watching the original, CSI Vegas and graduately started to get into the other two. Of the three, CSI New York is my favorite.

I love the characters, I love the cases, and I love the writing (when it's not gone of the deep end like it has this season :rolleyes:). I love the way it's shot.

And I love Gary Sinise. I think he's an amazing actor and just the right person to play Mac Taylor.

I've warmed up to Melina Kanakaredes through this show, having previously seen her on the show Providence. I didn't like her on that; but I really like her as Stella on New York. :)

So, in order my favorites are:

1. CSI New York

2. CSI Miami

3. CSI Vegas
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I think all three are about the same. Although, I've been watching more CSI:NY than the others. But, that's only because they show the reruns on the weekends. They also show reruns of Miami, but that is on way too late for me to watch.
OMGosh! My favorite is CSI: Miami. I like it because it feels very open and bright. I just love the actors and I think David Caruso is attractive for an older guy. :) I love LV and NY but there are things I dont like. I dont like LV because they are the night shift and its always drak out and NY because the building is so dreary. But that is my opinion.

1. Miami
2. NY
3. LV
I love all three CSI shows dearly.

Sometimes my absolute favorite changes, its like I become completely obessed with CSI LV, then I hate CSI Miami, and then I couldn't care less about CSI NY.Then the focuses switch evey couple of months. I can't believe how fickle I am..xD

Right now I am really focused on CSI NY(for now).
CSI NY hands down. Ever since Grissom left, I haven't watched Vegas--and I was also unhappy about Warrick's death. I got into NY as soon as it started and fell in love with it right off the bat. Never was a Miami fan, I can't stand Horatio.
CSI: NY because it has great characters (other than Lindsay). But I also hate how they started off so realistic, and then all of a sudden, they get hologram high-tech stuff with no build-up. :(

But really, I only watch it for Adam. :3
I love all three! Which one I like the most changes all the time. Right now I'd say Miami, but I started out liking LV. I just recently got into NY but now I love it just like the others.
well,I like all three for different reasons.

I like Las Vegas for it's fun cases and accurate science.
Miami, for it's action and romance.
And New York, for the continued story line and Mac.

I love almost all the characters, I'm not that fond of Ecklie or Langston.
I'm not big on Ryan, Natalia or Tara. I actually like all the characters on New york.

Each CSI has it's own profile, I guess.