What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

I watch all three, but my favourite is NY. Reasons are that I like more the characters, the background story, and the relationship between the characters.
CSI Las Vegas..

I used to like Miami..
I still watch it though but its not the same Miami i used to like.
NY is nice but..

VEgas will always be my fave!
MissKraft said:
Which series is the best? You are kidding right?

Each series has its own "blood", its own "vibe", its own "breath" of its very own.

Vegas : comedy/tragedy play Skahespeare may have wrote

Miami : an epic portrayal of the "seven deadly sins"

New York : a "grimy" reminder that humans will always be predatory beasts

To say that one CSI is better then the other two is plain ignorance.....

In my humble opinion of course. :D

I wholeheartedly agree with you. When I first got into the original I was well aware of the spin-offs and I told myself, okay I'm not going to start watching all of them otherwise it'll be overkill. Suffice it to say things changed. :lol: I love that about the shows, they're not copy cats of each other, sure they all deal with crime but each one has its own unique flavor which in turn makes each one appealing to just about anybody. :cool:

Though I think NY has more action then Miami at times, I can't count the number of times the suspects have turned tail and run when they see Mac and co. :lol:

But if I did have to rank them, I'd say the flagship series. I can watch each season with the exception of 4 and not get sick of that show, the writing, the characters they're all just so much fun to watch.

Now as for Miami and New York? I can't choose between them as both have grown on me like weeds. NY has a great cast, and I love all these wild episodes they come up with that make you just go whoa, or no way people do that as a hobby/living? Sometimes the bizarreness is right up there with Vegas.

Miami I feel has a great cast too, but I think that by following Vegas's example and adding more to the soup it's a bit big and as such we see character interaction at times spread too thin. I think the writers are fully capable of pulling off some top notch episodes as evidenced by this season but they need to wisen up and see Miami shouldn't be all big and flashy and about nothing but action and looking cool, but it should focus on their characters and their interactions with each other also. Note of point, Calleigh's near death drowning experience we actually got to see her and Horatio interact in what I thought I was a touching scene. Now later in the season I'm noticing, these two barely have a scene over two minutes together! Earth to writers, she's the Ballistics Tech, if there's anything involving bullets or guns Horatio's bound to talk to the expert on the subject. I love the series but guys get your acts together!
My favourite is CSI: NY but right followed by Las Vegas. Miami is the third place of my list of the shows because of Horatio. I really like him, don't get me wrong but he has only two postions in each episode I've seen, one with his sunglas and the other one with his arms when he stand there and stares into the sunset. I've also noticed that Horatio only overlook the cases and order things to the team and not really getting into the investigation like for example Mac. But that's only my opinion.

At first I liked LV more because it's the original and the characters are so great. But now I changed my opinion and NY is my number one. The whole atmosphere of the show is what I love and the relationships between the characters are so complex and great.
I used to watch all 3 but I ve kinda gotten out of CSILV. I'll watch it the odd time if it's new. My favorite is both NY and Miami of course because I can't go an hour without luving my Horatio/Mac, even the re-runs, thank God for A&E and DVD.
Miami is the only one I watch regularly and I lurve csim so that is most definately my favorite. I hadn't watched the other ones until I started watching miami and now I watch LV and NY occassionally...usually if miami isn't on lol. but I do like the other two, or I'm starting to anyway. But Miami shall always reserve that #1 spot, there's just no substitute for Horatio Caine. :)
Let's see ... better is , no doubt , Las Vegas . Why ? good plots , brilliant cases , cool characters , hot actors . Next will be probably New York because it still has a little forensics in it And Carmine Giovinazzo . Last is Miami . because they all seems some ordinary cops that are called 'CSI' . Why everybody watches Miami ? If I want to watch one ep ,I watch it only because of Jonathan Togo , who's a great actor . I like David Carusso , but his role as Horatio Caine annoys me !
my opinion , I don't want complaints !
The original will always be my favorite; LV rules. Miami is a close second. And I've never seen NY... it's too risky. I don't need another addiction.
LV, no competition at all. It's the original, and has the best characters and cases. NY is pretty good too though, I watch it if it's on and LV isn't. Whenever I watch Miami I end up in a really bad mood and almost throw stuff at Horatio. Nobody I talk to can stand watching much of Miami