RCP, I'm lovin' your icon! NY rocks! Even though I've never been, I'd love to go. Especially at Christmas time! *Claps* Yay snow!
I don't have a cell phone. I don't see why a 14 yr old needs one! My cousin is 12 and begs her mom every day for one! What's the point? Now, when I turn 16 and can drive (17 months folks, so watch out!) I MIGHT, and that's a big might, get one. But only so if I break down I can call for help if it's something I can't fix...
I don't have a cell phone. I don't see why a 14 yr old needs one! My cousin is 12 and begs her mom every day for one! What's the point? Now, when I turn 16 and can drive (17 months folks, so watch out!) I MIGHT, and that's a big might, get one. But only so if I break down I can call for help if it's something I can't fix...