What kind of cell phone do you have??

RCP, I'm lovin' your icon! NY rocks! Even though I've never been, I'd love to go. Especially at Christmas time! *Claps* Yay snow!

I don't have a cell phone. I don't see why a 14 yr old needs one! My cousin is 12 and begs her mom every day for one! What's the point? Now, when I turn 16 and can drive (17 months folks, so watch out!) I MIGHT, and that's a big might, get one. But only so if I break down I can call for help if it's something I can't fix...
i got a newbie today!! Its so prettyful! A Nokia 6101 :D

:eek: I was looking that phone today! Black one... ooo, how pretty it was. I will change probably to it in October or so :D
if they don't want to take my old phone, I can try to sell it to someone.
I'm still in love with my even older phone, Nokia 8310i. It's wonderful phone.
YAY Siri! I went to look for those last week. It was in the news that it has been really difficult to get in Finland, because no one expected that those will be so wanted so I went to store for fun and said "yeah, i've been thinking of that 6101 but no one really has it" and he is like "oh, we have" and finds me that phone and asks do I want it? I'm like.. um.... I ahve to give another thought :lol: I had 13e on my bank account :lol:
Black is the one I saw and it looks really great :D
we got to upgrade our cell fones on sunday...but we still have to keep our service provider [t-mobile] for another year...cuz if we switch..we would have to pay $200! for each line in the plan..and we have 3. UGHHH. but at least i finally gots me a new cell fone!

a Samsung x495! i dont care if it doesnt have a camera because i already have a digital camera that i take everywhere. plus..ITS A FLIP FONE! i love flip fonessss...cuz i like to flip it. it makes me feel important =P
I went out and got this little baby yesterday on contract, to replace my old Nokia 6100. It's a Smasung D500, with camera, flash, bluetooth (the works vasically). It's very cool and am very pleased with it :D I read a lot of great reviews about it vefore I decided which one to get. I was going to go for another Nokia but then thought I'd like soething different as my last two phones have been Nokias. Though I wonder whether I should have waited a bit longer when Samsung bring out a newer model, the D600, sometime this month :eek: but from what I read it doesn't seem to be much better or diferent from the D500. Well, too late now :lol:
wibble, i'm so disappointed :|
I hope I can get Nokia 6101 before Christmas. Probably changing my 3200 to it, if it has any help.
My cell got stolen :( so I had to go get a new one. I now have a Motorola v170. Which isn't bad at all.
Gah. I need a new phone. Mine is like 4 yrs now, 5 yrs coming up this christmas. :lol: I need a new phone cos I charge it for 10 hours but it only works for 20 mins! :mad: Which was...not a good thing when you're speaking to your mom about what time to be picked from from 30 miles away and the phone call gets cut off cos there's not enogh battery left. It sucks I tell you :eek:

But which phone?! I have no clue which phone to get. I'm so...out of this phone fashion we have here. :lol: I have no idea which shops to get it from. :p Hopefully It'll take me two or so months to save up for a new phone. Before Xmas.
I remember time when NMT was still a tough thing (yup, the first cell phones... uh.. want to guess who invented it? :p All phones are now GSM phones) and we had our first phone and on it's last months, when you charged it, and when you called, you had enough battery to say very fast "I'mhere[sayaplace]canyoupickmeup?" and of course, let it ring two times before it. :lol:
wibble, i'm so disappointed :|

Oh dear, I guess I shouldn't have said that in front of a Fin :p ;)

I remember when my Dad first got a mobile phone years ago - it was literally the size of a brick and weighed about the same amount too :lol: But I also remember my friends envying me because no one in their families owned a mobile :lol:
Do you guys remember those big bag phones that everyone had when they first came out in the '80s? They were huge. But they got service EVERYWHERE. You always had signal. I wish phones were like that now...

My boyfriend just bought a Treo 650 about a week ago. It's totally bad ass. It's touchscreen, bluetooth, the freakin' works. It makes my Sidekick II look like crap. :(
My mom has Treo 650! It's really cool.

I have a Samsung (I don't know what model *blush*). But it's the flip-phone with a camera. I used to have a Nokia but I was influenced by people on TV using flip-phones (especially on CSI :p) so I bought a flip-phone and I'm happy now!
wibble, i'm so disappointed :|

Oh dear, I guess I shouldn't have said that in front of a Fin :p ;)

Dats a double-n, lady ;)

Do you guys remember those big bag phones that everyone had when they first came out in the '80s? They were huge. But they got service EVERYWHERE. You always had signal.

Oh yes those what weighted about 20kg :lol:

I used to have a Nokia but I was influenced by people on TV using flip-phones (especially on CSI ) so I bought a flip-phone and I'm happy now!

Nokia has those too nowadays.