What is your favorite name?

Girl names: Lyyli - It's a finnish name and it sounds so much better than it looks.

Boy names: Oliver
Haha, Really?

I actually didn't know that.

I've never read a Harry Potter book nor watched a Harry Potter movie. XD

For real.
csi_fanatic87 said:
disprncss358 said:
Yeah for real.

James=Harry's father
Peter=guy who betrayed Jamess & Lilly
Oliver = Quidditch captian in Book 1-3

Wow! You really know your Harry Potter. :D

Yeah I do, I was addicted to it when I first started reading the books and watching the movies.
I really like the names Sophia and Effie. I was to ever have a girl I'd name her Sophia Effie [insert surname here]. I dunno, they're nice Greek names and they sound good together heh.
my youngest is called kristen ( i had never heard it before until her dad suggested it)
i like boy--- tyler
girl-- kasey and emily