I learned that I have saved up quite a lot of shop money.
I learned that long-sleeved shirts are not good for days like today. Geez it was so warm.
I learned that it's possible for me to become a bigger Red Sox fan.
I learned that if you buy cheese sliced it costs more than in bulk
I learned that zinc oxide (the white stuff you put on your nose to not get sunburned) is the same stuff that's in some diaper rash ointment
I learned
- that Hugh Laurie (House!) plays in an episode of Friends!
- that I have no idea how much ingredients are needed to make spaghetti for 12 people.
- that packing to go to a festival is a pain in the ass.
Marns, a Red Sox fan? I'm in Massachusetts and I can't stand the team.
I learned that when Lowes calls at 8:20am saying your delivery will be made between 9am and 1pm and you live only 10 minutes away expect the 9am! They got here with our new washer and dryer at 8:58 by my watch. Man did we start moving fast then. :lol:
I also learned that the builders doing construction on the house across the street for the third strait summer are the slowest in the world. They are going to milk this dormer on the front of the house for the next 4 months! :scream:
Well.. I live in Holland and I don't get to see that much baseball.. There's only one channel that shows American sports and there's American Football, NBA, Lacross, Icehockey.. Oh, Baseball Today, Pardon The Interruption, etc. So I don't get to see a lot of real GAMES. But when I dó get to watch it, I like the Red Sox.
- I learned that orange is not my colour when orange juice gets spilled on my by a customer.
- I learned that it's possible for a customer to spill orange juice on you when you work at the BreadSection.
- I learned that the store must have a new sign that says: Keep your orangejuice in your cart, or you might drop and catch it and spill it on sweet breadpeople who just want to help you with your BREAAAD! :wtf:
I learned stuff today ! Mostly stupid pointless things, but still things that matter
I learned:
-When busses say they run until 1 AM, THEY DONT. They run until 12AM, don't get your hopes up, you'll be stuck somewhere and you'll have to walk.
-Fruit and mustard are good for pregnant people, do not get other people to eat random fruit with mustard, it will make them sick.
-The childs fathers name doesn't actually have to be on the birth cirtificate for you to fight for child support, you can just have your last name on it.
-People don't like when young people are pregnant. So when screaming 'oh my god, my child is kicking' they generally get pretty irritated and glare.
- Stupid is as stupid does. If someone isn't getting the hang of their job...perhaps it's time to send them on their way.
- If one Lemming jumps off the cliff, the rest of them will soon follow. My friends tend to act in this manner and get mad at me when I think and/or want to do something different.
- My across the street neighbor has no idea what he is doing! (And he cannot envision his home repairs before he does them.) :wtf:
- It gets extremely hot having the oil company come service the burner on an 85 degree day. (they normally do it in the fall but the city is taring up the main road in! )
Today I learned that:
-I got a raise! I say learned because it was decided when I was on vacation and my whole department seemed to know before I did. I don't care though! *happy dance*
-Kids (at least the ones i work with) like sour fruity candy better than chocolate. How is that possible?
- Two window air conditioners is good, three window air conditioners in my apartment blows a circuit
I learned not to drink Mountain Dew after eating African food then going for a run. X.x
...I nearly DIED from it.
My stomach was all 'dfjdsfkljdsgfhjdskgncxkjj' and then I was all 'dfjkjdjfkldsjfishfkjdnkjdshaklfjfkl' and it was all 'dfjkjdfjkldhgkdfj kdfshfiajgklfhdfklDSJALGHDSKJGFNDLHhjkahf;djfa' D;