What Category Do I Belong In? Find out here! [Please rate/comment!]

Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

Uuuh... I already see this is kinda tricky. Votes are quite different from each other. But I have to admit that especially for icons that judging is extremely hart. I for myself am completely useless on doing icons, even banners, so I will judge it just from my Photoshop skills-view rather from my having-large-experiences-doing-icons (mostly, cause I have none! ;) ).

So, here we go!!

1-Intermediate : Nice cropping and colouring. Improvements possible on font (left) and on playing with layer options (right on brush, a bit too light for me), as well as for both using the 100x100 in a more "efficient" way, if you know what I mean.

2-Beginner: Good cropping, but the rest of possibilities is somewhat missing. Colour layering and a brush and/or text might be helpful. :)

3-Intermediate (though left one is an actualy advanced level knowledge for Photoshop) : Lefty has great colouring and effects. Brillant!! But the pic itself, I am not really sure about. Somewhat too small, then also from behind... hard to tell what or who this is. The others are lovely. Like the Ryan one a lot - that one could have just used some more contrast. The Greg one is good on cropping and contrast, but it is a bit grainy. Otherwise, just lovely! And I would say not too far away from Advanced anymore... :)

4-Advanced: Like the motive, the colouring, the lighting. The cropping to me is really good and I like the fact that they work without using a lot of fancy stuff. They can stand by themselves. That does make an advanced level IMHO...

5-beginners: The Flack one has a very good idea and the icon catches this pretty good, but colouring and lighting could be improved. Since there is so less space, you have to use it most "efficient" (That's just perfect... I can't do that myself, but critisising other for it! ;) Bear with me!!! :lol: ) The Speed one could use more colour and I would suggest to not "cut"/erase pieces from the original pic, cause they are already on such a small spot. The frendge around him is a bit disturbing to me, though I like the idea of the dots all around. Maybe using layer effects with the dots and some and softener on the complete original pic could help here. :)

6-Intermediate: Good cropping, nice colouring, maybe a bit too much in the middle one and a bit too bright in the right one. Though, nice work. I think the icons could use some more brush/text on it. But it has great potential.

7-Advanced - Period! Okay, I comment though: Great cropping, perfect colouring and arrangement. Decent use of text and brushes and absolutely eye-catchy. Great text ideas! Just perfect! I wish I could do icons like that! Awesome!! :)

8-Advanced: Great colouring and cropping. Really good choice of POV. Text on the left definitely too small and brush maybe a bit too slight. But otherwise. Great!

Okay, like I said... I am not the icon expert, so bear with me... What I just want to say in general is that it was pretty hard to judge since everybody has his very own style and that is also the reason why I've tried to not just see it from a subjective, personal POV but from the objective, skills way.

All of those icons are better than the one I use (DON'T LOOK TO THE LEFT NOW!!! Just keep scrolling...)
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

Gosh this is hard :( I'm no expert, that for sure, but here's my oppinions:

01: Intermediate The second one is great. A bit grainy in places, but overall, very well done. The font on the first one is very hard to read. I didn't even notice it was there, until I read someone else's feedback.

02: Beginner Screen and colour layers are your friend. Trust me, this was a hard leared lesson for me. There are some great tutorials floating around. It's amazing how much they help. Cropping was good, though :)

03: Intermediate This was a hard call. Really great work on all of them. Texture work is fantastic! It took me a while to pinpoint what it was exactly that was off about them, but I think maybe they're a bit grainy. Need to be smoothed out a bit.

04: Also a hard call. Could be either Intermediate or Advanced. Nothing really wrong with them, but they're lacking something.

05: Possible the hardest one of all, but I'm going to have to go with Beginners. You've got some great ideas. Really. No, seriously. They're very well put together. But I think some colour layers (and maybe some screen layers to lighten a bit) would really help bring them to life.

06: Intermediate Great cropping. You've got a good eye. The first one is just the tineyest bit too dark. The second one, her face is just a bit too yellow, and the third one her face is just the tineyest bit washed out. These are small problems that are easily fixed :)

07: Advanced No question about it. These are just fantastic icons

08: Advanced See above.
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

This is tough, I feel like the evil judge on pop idol, it's me who need advice not the one to give it, anyway, here it goes:

1-Intermediate-they're good, a little bit more of improvement and you'll be advanced.

2-Beginners-you should try different croppings not so subject centered and play with the colouring.

3-Intermediate-they're very creative but oversharpened.Test different colourings too.

4-Intermediate-they're very good, but you use the same colouring, same fonts, same text placing...You should try something different, colouring on #3 looks really good, experiment with new fonts, different text placings,...Just try new things and you'll be advanced because there's very good material.

5-Beginners-they're very creative but there's a lack of technique.

6-Beginners-they're good but you have to resize them 100x100 px and improve a little bit your technique and you'll be intermediate in no time.

7-Advanced-they're really good.

8-Advanced-#2 one is absolutely fabulous, #1 a little bit worst.
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

I was going to vote but now that I see the point anymore. It's turned into an opnion poll about people who can't get layers etc to work for them.

ETA: I'd also like to point out that everyone has been a beginner as some point and learning what they liked and didn't like to work with. Telling people what they should and shouldn't do wasn't the point of this thread.
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

Umm, I tried, but I can't do it. :(

My problem is that sometimes the best icons are the simplest, IMO. And for that you don't need to be experienced at layering, etc. I tried to complete this and found myself putting icons into "like most", "like" and "like least" which isn't really the point, I think. Some of my "like most" icons are ones that probably didn't need a lot of skill to do. :confused:

Having said that, I'm not going to say which my favourites are because their makers will probably be really insulted now. Don't throw things, please! *hides* :eek: :eek:
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

wolfesgamergirl said:
I was going to vote but now that I see the point anymore. It's turned into an opnion poll about people who can't get layers etc to work for them.

ETA: I'd also like to point out that everyone has been a beginner as some point and learning what they liked and didn't like to work with. Telling people what they should and shouldn't do wasn't the point of this thread.

Okay, I am trying to really see your point but for me this thread is the try to categorize ppls work for any upcoming challenges. It is supposed to be an advise not a bible as I guess cinegirl pointed out somewhere.

So, critizising ppls work is not for making them feel bad or going against their style, it is rather the analysis of the entires from a objective point of view regarding their graphic design knowledge. I really don't wanna tell anybody what they should or shouldn't do and I am sure nobody else did. If I made this impression anyways, I do apologize for that.

The reason why I go into those challenges is because I like all the different styles so much and it is really cool to see'em, see the ideas everybody's coming up.

So, WHO will win in the end is just about everyones own opinion and their subsequent votes. It is not about who has the most knowledge in Photoshop.

Take me for instance... I entered several Wallpaper challenges where I did win but also "lost"/didn't make a first, second, third. My level of knowledge was all the time the same. Was I mad because of that? No, for sure not, since I appreciate all those different styles and the taking of the voters of it. THAT's what this is all about. I can tell in any case, that reason for not winning was not because I couldn't layers get to work!!

The level of knowledge itself is essential for being categorized BEFORE the actual challenge starts so it doesn't turn out to be rather disappointing for e.g. beginner contestants to have no chance of winning because advanced contestants entered in the wrong category. Beginner entrants will still get votes but they might be handicapped in the overall voting.

BTW... I for myself appreciate feedback a lot. When somebody doesn't like my work and describes what and why is it they don't like, I can still decide pretty good if it's a "technical issue" like colours etc or just my style they don't like. In any case, I am not offended by it.

I wouldn't get to dogmatic on this thread. The icons I saw here were all great and they were all different styles but they were also all different level of graphic design knowledge. I recognised several artists and I just assumed while writing my lines that they don't mind my kind of feedback but like I said before. If it sounds to harsh, you all have my sincere apologies for it. I just assumed detailed feedback is helpful for the artist and is not taken as an offense.

The Wallpaper categorisation will come up soon and I'll enter something for sure, so you can give it all back to me. ;)
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

Just a reminder - I will leave this next round open until tomorrow night.....then I will post the last batch of icons. After that - I think Meg will do banners and/or wallpapers. I don't have as many participants this time around - so if anyone is still undecided feel free to enter icons again this round.
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons


thanks Dee (BonaTaylor) for your post, you clearly stated for what this thread is for - just for categorizing the icons in what category they should belong when it comes up to a challenge, and NOT for offending or insulting people.
As far as I can see nobody here did so in their comments, everybody just tried to gave an advice - in their point of view - how to "improve" the icons and give a helping hand. :)

THOUGH I can understand your feelings wolfesgamergirl, s/t it's hard to read all the things you should change, add, try etc. And I also got your opinion, AliGtr.
So my suggestion is: for the next round everyone who sends in their icons should state clearly in the pm whether she/he agrees receiving comments or not. For example:

"Hey Kat, here are my icons for the help thread, please only the category, NO COMMENTS for me."

And Kat (or whoever is running this thread at that time ;) ) just adds "NO COMMENTS!" behind the "Icon Maker"; everybody will stay anonymous.

Last but not least: nobody is forced to give comments, you can also just write the category ;)
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

Vera, I completely agree. I also think it's a great idea. If people don't want comments with theirs, it's easy enough to add that in :)

Anything further I have to say has already been said by other people, and I don't really think it needs to be repeated.

I'll just say that these are meant to be helpful suggestions, and everyone has their own oppinions.
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

I have spent many hours looking at everyone elses icons and have finally plucked up the courage to put some of mine on this thread to see what people thought. I didnt want to enter a challenge in the wrong category and have no hope of winning so I thought this was a good idea to gauge what people thought, and get some good ideas and tips at the same time.

Using photoshop has been an achievement for me and I am more than pleased with the comments I have received. I thought the whole point of categories was to try and get better and better and move up - everyone has to start at the beginning and its good to get feedback from the people that have already been there and improved.

Maybe next time I will actually enter my icons instead of just voting for others! :lol:
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

cinegirl said:
And I also got your opinion, AliGtr.
It's not a big complaint or anything. I just found myself judging the icons on how much I liked them and not necessarily on how clever or skilled they were. I found that difficult to work out. So it's my inadequacy rather than anyone else's that's at fault. :eek: Sorry.
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

AliGtr said:

It's not a big complaint or anything. I just found myself judging the icons on how much I liked them and not necessarily on how clever or skilled they were. I found that difficult to work out. So it's my inadequacy rather than anyone else's that's at fault. :eek: Sorry.

Ah, no worries, I didn't see it as a complaint, I got it the correct way that s/t it's just a matter of taste. :)
I have the same problem, so - if the "voting" is still open, sorry, I'm late *blushes* - here's mine:

#1: intermediate - I don't know what, the special something is missing (perhaps bit more contrast? light?) and soon you'll be advanced.

#2: beginner - in my eyes it won't take long till your intermediate, the icon subject isn't squeezed or extremely blurred, so just play a bit with contrast, lights and colours, perhaps some text, and the next category is waiting

#3: intermediate, with huge tendencies to advanced - I'd say the first icon is your best and could be put into advanced already, but the second and third are rather intermediate, though I like the Greg one! This is intermediate + :D

#4: advanced (-) - you definitely know how to use your program but s/th is still missing; now just play a bit more with cropping, contrast, text and effects and your icons will be stunning

#5: beginner - you already have the courage to try new things and brushes, very creative! :) Perhaps try to not overdose these things, just use one brush and use more contrast, and some colors would be fine.

#6: intermediate - OK, hard one: the third icon looks fantastic, could be advanced already if you stick to the 100x100 size restrictions. The other two tend to intermediate: the second is a bit too bright, and I don't know what, s/th is missing in icon 1...

#7: advanced - not much to say, just perfect. Cropping, colors, clearness and the use of the textures are so well done, can't give any tips

#8: advanced - same here: complete different style than #7 but the same prefect use of everything *kudos!*

Wow, this was hard! I'm sorry for my lame tips, I'm not a pro when it comes to layers etc., so bear with me ;)

Nice job everyone!
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

Ok here is round #2. This will be the last icon one for awhile. I pass the torch to Meg! LOL
Ok everyone wants ranking and comments. Please rank either beginner, intermediate or advanced. Also - if you feel like 1 icon is beginner and another is intermediate - please note that as well. Just please remember all the comments made above when commenting. Thanks!

Icon Maker #1

Icon Maker #2

Icon Maker #3

Icon Maker #4

Icon Maker #5
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

hi all, sorry kat that i was unable to send some more in...work :(, boy did i miss a lot,i like to just say, that i had no problems with the comments made about mine, and i hope that i have learnt by them, i think and from wot i was interpereting from them, that ive been tryin too hard with them instead of keepin them simple, maybe it comes from making to many wallpapers :lol:
anyway here are my opinions on the icons..but then wot do i know :D

1 intermediate
2 advanced
3 advanced
4 advanced
5 intermediate
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Re: In what category I belong? - Icons

okay here i go again

#1 - beginner to intermediate: i'm sure it takes some photoshop knowledge to get those effects but all three icons are the same style. to show all your PS skills it would be good to vary the style of your icons (textures, colours)

#2 - intermediate to advanced: again a tough decision. the second one is definitely advanced, nice texture, good colouring. the first and the third one on the other hand are decent intermediate icons IMO. i like them but i think to be successful in the advanced category it takes a few more 'tricks'...

#3 - advanced: different styles, nice colouring. you know how to use textures and the b/w editing ;)

#4 - intermediate to advanced: i think you're getting there. the crops are not just stiff shots of the faces in the middle, you try to be more creative. smooth colours which fit the icons. the second one might have been more effective with a bit more sharpening or soft light...that's just an advice, not a criticism :)

#5 - beginner: you should work on keeping the proportions right. doc robbins looks a bit squished and ryan's face looks a bit broad. another thing could be colouring or lighting the icon up a bit. your ideas are good and i definitely see potential.

wow this was difficult. again, i didn't mean to hurt or offend anyone. it's just my opinion and i tried to be honest. keep up the good work everyone! we have really great icons makers around here :)