What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I am currently reading "Brother Odd" by Dean Koontz. It's about Odd Thomas who goes to an abbey, and stays there for a quite long time. He hopes that he can find understanding and peace. Instead, he discovers 'bodachs' which are black shadows.

I have no idea why I am actually reading this book. I usually love books with supernatural plots, but this one is just difficult to understand. I find it a little bit weird too. I am still reading too, as it might become better.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I am currently reading "Brother Odd" by Dean Koontz. It's about Odd Thomas who goes to an abbey, and stays there for a quite long time. He hopes that he can find understanding and peace. Instead, he discovers 'bodachs' which are black shadows.

I have no idea why I am actually reading this book. I usually love books with supernatural plots, but this one is just difficult to understand. I find it a little bit weird too. I am still reading too, as it might become better.

I read the first two books of that series a while ago. They were alright, but a little strange. I could not get into "Brother Odd" at all though.

Anywho, I'm reading "On Death and Dying" by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross for school. It's one of the most widely accepted books in use to educate people about death and the processes involved.
And for fun I am reading "Slap Shots" by Kevin Nelson. It's supposed to be a gathering of the "funniest things ever said, both on and off the ice". So far it's been more hockey history lesson than funny, but it's not bad.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm reading another Nicholas Sparks book. It's called The Last Song. It's a little different because the romance aspect of it is between two teenagers, and I find it a little weird (even though I've read A Walk To Remember which is also between teens) because usually it's between adults. I'm not finished yet, but oh man, it's SO sad. I read mostly at school and I just wished I was at home so I could bawl. :lol: But it's really good, I'd recommend it.

I also have Anne of Green Gables out because we're reading classics in book club. I haven't started yet, but I doubt I'll be able to get into it when I do. I probably won't end up reading it. xD
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I also have Anne of Green Gables out because we're reading classics in book club. I haven't started yet, but I doubt I'll be able to get into it when I do. I probably won't end up reading it. xD

if you can do it read Anne of Green Gables. It is such an excellent book. All the Anne books are excellent.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i just finally finished reading "Before the Fact" by Francis Iles. i started reading it at the end of August it took me forever to get through b/c of school. very very good book the movie "Suspicion" which comes from the book is not that great compared to the book. "Before the Fact" is hard to find it's out of print but i will definitely suggest that any fan of mystery or suspense stories try to find this book anyway they can it's now one of my favorites. you wait and wait for the ending to happen and you get nervous and excited just wondering what will happen next.

if there are any fans of the book "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier there is a kind of sequel book called "Rebecca's Tale" by Sally Beauman. the story is told in the first person by Cl. Julyan, Rebecca herself through a diary, and Julyan's daughter and a historian of Manderley named Gray. so far the book is excellent. i feel like i'm in on a secret that no one else knows in the book, it's frustating at some points b/c you want to shout at them but at the same time it's intriguing to read how Rebecca touched everyone and how little they really know about her.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i'm *trying* to read "le mariage de figaro" by beaumarchais. i've seen mozart's operatic adaptation but i have to read the entire play, plus author's preface, in french, by tuesday. it's going painfully slowly.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^^^ i do not envy you. i can barely read an Asterix story in French let alone an entire play.

very very good luck to you. hope all turns out well
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^^thanks!! i've been ploughing through this bloody preface for several days now and i've read about 20 pages. my french isn't bad, but it's old french and so there are lots of words i have to look up, and also the writer is very idiomatic, which means quite often there's a sentence made of words i know very well but i still can't tell what it means... i'm meant to have read the preface (40-ish pages) and the entire play (about 200 pages) by tomorrow. oops.

bring on les liaisons dangereuses next week.... :eek:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^^^ i do not envy you. i can barely read an Asterix story in French let alone an entire play.

very very good luck to you. hope all turns out well

Actually I think that might be technically harder because Asterix talks with a lisp, doesn't he? :lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

^ i think he does but believe me astérix really isn't technically harder!! in class tonight the teacher seemed shocked that some (most!) of us hadn't managed to read an entire play in a foreign language in under a week. ah, i love a good fantasy.... :|
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I've finished The Wishing Game by Patrick Redmond. It started very good and it was really exciting but the end disappointed me a bit. I wasn't such shocked as I expected... but all in all it was good entertaining.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished reading "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks.
It's a good but not as great as his other novels. it has a happy ending though which is rare for Mr. Sparks because his books usually has bittersweet endings.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Yesterday I've finished Martin Misunderstood by Karin Slaughter. Well I was very disappointed. That's not the Karin Slaughter I like. Maybe I misunderstood the intention of the story?!