What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished the Atlantis Code by Charles Brokaw... Good book its along similar themes to Da Vinci code which was why i got it but not at the quick pace its about finding Atlantis, its a good book but for me just didn't get into it quick enough so i got distracted.

I'm now reading the Charlene Harris "True Blood" series which i'm liking as i'm obsessed with True blood i wanted to try the books and its nice cos they're different but enough that its ok and you're not annoying with the tv show.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I finished Plea of Insanity by Jilliane Hoffman: After reading that thriller I'm a bit disappointed. I mean it's a good one but it's not such exciting. And especially the end is a kind of boring. :(

Now I'm reading Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark. Until now I think this will be a good story.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i am reading Before The Fact by Frances Iles. this is what Hitchcock's movie Suspicion is based on. i already know what happens to the main character but it's cool to read the book the movie is based on. i got a first edition of the book from 1947, the book was originally published in 1932.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

i just finished "Storm Glass" by Maria V. Snyder. that was such an awesome book. can't wait to read the next one...
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

Currently still reading the Charlaine Harris series on the 6th book and really enjoyng them they differ from the tv series which is nice so you can separate them both.

However screwed myself up by reading 2 of the books in the wrong order so now i'm reading one which i was was meant to read before the one i just finished so i'm confused at stuff i know's gonna happen... oops
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished 'The Time Travellers Wife'. It was good, not what I was expecting though! :lol:

I'm re-reading the Mallorean for the gazillionth time too, although I've misplaced Book Three so need to find it!

And I think it's time I read Le Lion again. I read it once a year, first my favourite English translation and then in the original French. It's my absolute most favourite book of all time.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished 'The Time Travellers Wife'. It was good, not what I was expecting though! :lol:

I'm re-reading the Mallorean for the gazillionth time too, although I've misplaced Book Three so need to find it!

And I think it's time I read Le Lion again. I read it once a year, first my favourite English translation and then in the original French. It's my absolute most favourite book of all time.

I just finished re-reading the Mallorean too. It's my favourite, even more than the Belgariad. So awesome! :)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm reading "Angels and demons" (Dan brown)... but I'm stuck at chapter 28

I don't know why, because It's a good book so far

And for the twilight saga...I got bored at the middle of "Breaking Dawn", but someday I'll give it another try (I think)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

OMG... i am reading 'Angels and Demons' as well... i forgot what page i am on, and i am too lazy to look right now >.< but i just got it this week :)
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished 'The Time Travellers Wife'. It was good, not what I was expecting though! :lol:

I'm re-reading the Mallorean for the gazillionth time too, although I've misplaced Book Three so need to find it!

And I think it's time I read Le Lion again. I read it once a year, first my favourite English translation and then in the original French. It's my absolute most favourite book of all time.

I just finished re-reading the Mallorean too. It's my favourite, even more than the Belgariad. So awesome! :)

It's so involved, with a lot more intrigue than the first series. I like how it ranges further afield in Mallorea. And I blush to admit, but I think I have a crush on Sadi :lol:.

I also really love Polgara the Sorceress, the book I mean. It really does fill in the gaps, although it takes some liberties with the series :rolleyes:. Polgara claims to know things in her book that she didn't know in the series. That's a little annoying! :lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished 'The Time Travellers Wife'. It was good, not what I was expecting though! :lol:

I'm re-reading the Mallorean for the gazillionth time too, although I've misplaced Book Three so need to find it!

And I think it's time I read Le Lion again. I read it once a year, first my favourite English translation and then in the original French. It's my absolute most favourite book of all time.

I just finished re-reading the Mallorean too. It's my favourite, even more than the Belgariad. So awesome! :)

It's so involved, with a lot more intrigue than the first series. I like how it ranges further afield in Mallorea. And I blush to admit, but I think I have a crush on Sadi :lol:.

I also really love Polgara the Sorceress, the book I mean. It really does fill in the gaps, although it takes some liberties with the series :rolleyes:. Polgara claims to know things in her book that she didn't know in the series. That's a little annoying! :lol:

I have to admit, I'm a sucker for happy endings. I like how all the relationships were wrapped up with a nice bow. Velvet and Silk's relationship was just perfect.

And yeah, they did kind of retcon things, but that's okay. We all know women know how to keep secrets :lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm rereading the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. And I'm planning on starting Broken Window by Jeffery Deaver at some point.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I bought CSI Miami Cut and Run and GOD I hate to read it... I've really liked CSI books that have 1 chapter 1st case, 2chapter 2nd case, 3 chapter 1st case...

but this book...took me a while to understand they jumped to another case :lol:
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

since i finished reading Angels and Demons, i am rereading the twilight saga. well books 1-3 since i don't have Breaking Dawn
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I bought CSI Miami Cut and Run and GOD I hate to read it... I've really liked CSI books that have 1 chapter 1st case, 2chapter 2nd case, 3 chapter 1st case...

but this book...took me a while to understand they jumped to another case :lol:

i was expecting the csi:ny books to be awful so i wasn't going to read them but i spotted one just before i went on hols and i had to try it - i really liked it! i read a few crime type novels on my holiday (i read like a demon when i'm on hols, managed 15 books this time, in 2 weeks, which isn't quite my record but it's close!) and it definitely held its own against those - it was also nice that it had a little bit of an insight into mac's life with claire. i liked that :) i have the others now, they're on my to do list.

that said, at the moment (holiday aside) i seem to be reading nothing but steinbeck - i've read i think about 6 of his in the last 2 months and am about to start on the next :D