What are your addictions?

CatherineWillows said:
- Pop (soda) :)

I totally forgot that, also a big addiction of mine. :lol:

-I'm addicted to doing/getting my eyebrows done. I carry tweezers with me 24/7. It's actually kind of weird.
-French toast from Panera Bread.
-I am addicted to talking to certain people on IM. One hasn't shown up on my online-verse in two days and I am beginning to experience withdrawal symptoms.

-the song "Under Pressure" by Bowie/Queen

-cinnamon toast crunch. Every single day for lunch while in school.
lol ok lets see.....um chocolate, coffee, CSI (in all forms), IMing, fanfics, watchin hockey (any hockey), finding new music, oh and facebook...:lol:
ilh214 said:
-cigarettes: chainsmoking is my favorite past-time

hahaha I'm a former chainsmoker.

-Sunsilk Straighten-Up Creme.
-Techno Music
-I'm pretty much addicted to the whole Real World Saga.
You mean besides this site? Well...
- Video games (any and every kind of video game)
- Books
- Writing random stories that will never see the lights of day
- Neil Gaiman's The Sandman series
- Daydreaming
- Chocolate, specifically Ferrero Rocher chocolate
- Fried green beans
- House, CSI, CSI Miami, Heroes, Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters
- The movie Casino Royle
bird_of_flame said:
- Writing random stories that will never see the lights of day
^sounds like me
-CSI (all three)
-Criminal Minds
-salt+vinigar chips :p
Mean Girls - I'm 21 years old and totally love this movie! Which leads me to my next addiction.
Jonathan Bennett :)
The Sims
Chocolate :p

SpiderJax, you need to edit your signature, the max size allowed is 220 X 75
Lest's see, I have a lot of addictions:

-Cigarettes (tried to quit a few times)
-CSI Miami
-This site
CSI NY-Stella,Mac,Melina-Gary,SMACked
CSI MIAMI-Emily,David,Cal,H,Ducaine
Internet-too addicted!
Diet cola![glad I'm not the only one :lol:]
Listening music from my iPod too loud
TCSI of course! ;)
This site!!!
Liverpool FC
Billy Petersen
Gary Snise
Liev Schrieber
chocolate Cooooookkiess :lol:
SpiderJax said:
NikkyJamez said:

SpiderJax, you need to edit your signature, the max size allowed is 220 X 75

Done :)

Also one word replies are considered as spamming, even you quote someone's post. Content, content.

I know you are a new so just... remember this ;)
Wow, I've had many addictions, but right now they are...

1. This board :p
2. CSI.. any of them :D
3. Smacked
4. House MD
5. Huddy (House/Cuddy)
6. Making icons (well having ideas for icons :lol:)
7. Making videos (same as above :lol:)
8. McDonalds yogurt :lol:
9. My new pet Taylor, it's a brown throat parrot :D
10. MSN
11. Reading fanfic
12. Internet :eek:

I better stop :lol: