What are you reading?

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I'm reading the Pendragon series over..I haven't read them in over 2 years

and I'm reading Eye Candy by R.L. Stine for the 2nd time
Tinkerbell said:
I was reading 'Digital Fortress' but I spend a lot of the weekend reading it. Once I read the first 10 Chapters, I really got into the book.

same here. i read the book within a few days. i think i never read a book in such a short time.

Wibble , you should really read 'angels and demons'. not only the story is great, dan brown also describes rome in a great way. in my opinion 'angels and demons' is better than 'the da vinci code'.

i want a new dan brown book! anyone knows when a new book will be released? :D
ShuriyuCSI, have you read the series Left Behind: The Kids?

I read the first book in that..I didn't like it at all..But everyone is telling be that Left Behind is really good..would you know if it is anything like LB:TK?
inge said:
Wibble , you should really read 'angels and demons'. not only the story is great, dan brown also describes rome in a great way. in my opinion 'angels and demons' is better than 'the da vinci code'.

i want a new dan brown book! anyone knows when a new book will be released? :D

Thanks inge - I will definitely check it out some time :) I actually have the illustrated version of Angels and Demons sat in my room at the moment. I remember one of my friends saying that she wished she'd read the illustrated version of this book the first time round, (and also the Da Vinci Code), as she spent quite a bit of time afterwards researching on the internet and stuff to try and find out how much of Brown's books are based on facts. So hopefully the illustrated versions will clear some of that up for me when I start reading them :)

As for when a new Dan Brown book will be coming out, I have no idea :p Though I'm sure he has a website somewhere that may tell you.
inge said:
i want a new dan brown book! anyone knows when a new book will be released? :D
I did hear he was working on the new book, but I've not heard when the release date is just yet. Sorry I can't be much more help on that one. :(

I recommend Angels & Demons wibble, it's a great read. I originally read The Da Vinci Code first and then Angels & Demons, I don't think it really matters with the order in those two particular books, but if I could go back in time I would have preferred to have read Angels & Demons first. Anyway, I highly recommend both. :)
Tinkerbell said:
I was reading 'Digital Fortress' but I spend a lot of the weekend reading it. Once I read the first 10 Chapters, I really got into the book. :eek: Now I've finished that one I've started to read 'Deception Point'. :D

Awww, I wanted to read that book! :( ...but Ive been kinda banned from the library for a while now. Deception Point is great book with a lot..a lot of twists. You'll be like What the hell just happpened?!? when you finish the book. ;)

I just finished the book of The Memoirs of a Geisha. Fastastic book, it was very sad and emotional...no, I didnt cry. :p Couldnt put the book down at 5am in the morning... :rolleyes: Can't wait to see the movie soon!

So now Ive started The Moonlit Cage which is fastastic! Im already 3/4 the way through the book. It tells of the plight of women being married into indian families and tribes, but this one girl refused to and stood up for herself- kinda... Great book so far. :D I think I'll re-read The Stand by Stephen King soonish. :p
Thank you for the information Tinkerbell and Wibble!
I bought today a Wolfgang Hohlbein book. the title is 'anubis'(german title). the book will be my easter present from my parents. i chose the book and they gave me the money. :D
darx2mint4 said:
ShuriyuCSI, have you read the series Left Behind: The Kids?

I read the first book in that..I didn't like it at all..But everyone is telling be that Left Behind is really good..would you know if it is anything like LB:TK?

In my opinion, it was fairly good. Yep. But I've never read LB: TK, so I couldn't tell you. Sorry ^^;
That's the same author who wrote Brokeback Mountain, isn't it? ^

I'm really enjoying Sense and Sensibility so far. I wasn't sure if I would or not, as I remember reading Mansfield Park a couple of yesrs ago (also by Jane Austen), and found it hard-going at times. I only really pushed myself to finish it so I could find out whether it had the happy ending I was hoping for :lol:
I just read A Million Little Pieces, and it's sequel, My Friend, Leonard. Both of which I LOVED. It doesn't bother me that James Frey "stretched the truth" or "lied", they're both still really great reads.
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