What are you reading?

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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ominous Omnibus (First Three Books In One)


I read all those books some years ago, before it turned into a movie.. it's sooo good!!

Now I'm reading "Imagined Communities" by Benedict Anderson.. it's for university though.
I'm currently reading My Darling Dead Ones by Erika de Vasconcelos for a book report presentation I have to do for January. It's pretty good so far.
Just read my first Stephen King novel, and LOVED it- I read Dreamcatcher. Does anyone like to give me some advice on which of his novels to read next? I love the scary ones. :)
I just finished reading Shooting stars by Virginia Andrews and i'm now starting The Pact by Jodi Picoult.

Devotchka you must The Stand. it is the best Stephen King book by far. I thought Misery, Insomnia and Carrie are also very good. i went through a stephen king phase last year so i've read like 15 of his books. The Stand was also the only one of his to make it into the BBC top 100 if that helps convince you.
Greatttt thanks a bunch

Btw I love the first line of your signature ^_^
I just finished the Lovely bones for the seccond time (cried just as hard as the first time!)and i just started the shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella. i Recommend both cause the first one is sad and the second in hulariouse!
Now that I've finished Dead Run by P.J Tracy (which I didn't think as good as her first two novels), I've just started reading Under the Eagle by Simon Scarrow, which is the first in a series of stories, this one set in 42AD and follows the adventures of two characters Macro and Cato in the roman legions.

If anyone likes these ancient history sort of novels, I would recommend the Emperor series by Conn Iggulden, which brings to the life the character of Julius Caesar and his adventures, growing up in Rome and later joining the military and the senate.
I cried when reading The Lovely Bones too, Adams_girl. Have you read Can you keep a sercret by Sophie Kinsella. It's not part of the sophaholic series but it is really funny.

Has anyone here read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. If so did you cry at the end or think it was a cop out.
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