What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

good quotes guys. the one with Ryan asking Alex where the head is is funny. i would also like to know what episode it's from.

here are some of my fav quotes:
Ryan:"It's not anyone, he's a cop. He's my friend and he's got a name. His name is Eric Delko." (From Man Down)
cainesugar said:
I loved that quote in 'Spring Break' where Speed told off that guy who was having a party. What was it...it was something like Speed: "And I'll arrest your tequila-pushing ass and you can spend all night in a holding cell smelling the rotting vomit of the fraternity boys."

I'm not a Speed fan, but this was his best moment. "I'm going to let you tell that to the family of the girl who got murdered here last night.. I'm going to let you tell them that we can't process the crime scene because you've got a permit for a party"
One of my favorite quotes is when Horatio says in one episode, cant remember which one but he says "Join the Club". I love this...
^That was 'Rio' when that guy in the court room tried to shoot H, saying 'You're already dead, brother,' and H shot him and said 'Join the club'
Yeah, I really liked that quote, it's just another really great Horatio one-liner. :)
I also really loved that quote from 'Spring Break', emilyfan. :D One of my absolute favorites. I love how he told him off, it was terrific. I also loved:

Speed: Why anyone needs to prove that evil exists is beyond me.

Terrific line. :) I also loved the entire ending to Hurricane Antony, but more specifically Calleigh's line.

"Yeah but you know what I was thinking, if he hadn't stolen from the mob then he never would have become a beach bum in Florida and then he never would have gotten picked up by the hurricane. And if he hadn't gotten picked up by the hurricane he never would have hit Burton's car, and if it wasn't for hittin' Burton's car, Burton would have gotten away with murder". :lol:

Also, emilyfan, your banner is a tad too large I'm afraid. The maximum banner size allowed here is 220x75px. Yours is 350px. ;)
I saw an episode recently on CSIM weekends where Horatio says
"Dale," moves closer to the suspect "Dale?" " Tilts head real close to the suspect "Are you a sexual preditor?" I laughed so hard that I missed rest of the the dialog in this scene

My all time faveret from Horatio
"That's what happens," Takes off or puts on sunnies I can't remember "When worlds collide," Cue Who music.

I love Horatio's campy one liners. Without them CSI Miami would not be the same.

The Good Rebecca
Dead Air

Horatio to marisol during her treatment when she wakes up from her nap and calls his name.

"I'm here love", I'm here.
i love other H quote - to Rick in epi Crime Wave (re Yelina). for me somehow stay more truth to his character ;)

'If you ever touch her again, I'm going to kill you.'