Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

Yes indeed a big welcome GraveyardShift have fun, and glad your here
Hello There! I came accross this site by chance a couple of months ago and have been visiting it regularly since. What I appreciate most is that there seems to be room for all fan bases and and that no one group has hijacked the forum. Really refreshing.
I am a massive William Petersen fan and Grissom is my all time favorite character. I still miss him terribly. I also like Catherine and Nick and dare I say it, Ecklie! Looking forward to posting from time to time.
Welcome to the site FROSCH. You are right, there is something here for every fan. So I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions...Smokey or myself are not to far away, plus the regulars are always willing to help.
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Hay All im Donna. Im from the UK and im addicted to CSI. How are you all?

Oh and Mad about Greg/Eric :drool: hehe
You are more then welcome. :)

I also extend the welcome to DA300789...and the same applies. Should you have any questions etc, don't hesitate in asking. Please enjoy yourself.
WELCOME to the CSI FILES board, the best one out there:bolian: DA300789 and Frosch have fun and post away
Welcome to the Las Vegas forum, DA300789 and Frosch! Make yourselves at home and have fun! :)
Thanks all,

oh i do have one question. how do i put avatar a up??? its prob simple but i just wont let me put one up :(

Edited about 2 secs after. i should of read the top bit. i have to be member for 2 weeks got ya :)
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Hey guys! I'm new here. So excited about this website! I think I know what I'll be doing until school starts...