Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

Hi Jacqui, Gravity and all other newbies :)

And yes Jacqui I'm the green Jacquie with the e which may be why if you spell your name with an e your couldn't register that way :) Me first :D

Anyway enjoy the ride everyone we do have fun here. And if you're a George Eads/Nick Stokes fan make sure you pop by The Ward. But don't forget your drool bucket :drool:
... which may be why if you spell your name with an e your couldn't register that way :) Me first :D

Nope - no E for me! It was surprising to see it spelled so similarly though - that never happens!

(And I've been by the ward, bucket in hand . . . mmm. . . .)
Hi all i'm Caz im new here just joined i'm 20 years old and from the uk.

never even had the thought of joining a forum for CSI before my other half mentioned it :D so here i am... i love CSI and i absolutely love grissom... althought ill watch any CSI show i prefer the one with grissom over any.

anyway hope to chat with some of you soon.x
Hi all,

I've lurked for about 6 months and just realized I probably violated protocol when I failed to introduce myself before I started posting ... sorry!

My name is Ali and I discovered CSI a couple years ago when on maternity leave with my twins. I started with reruns on SPIKE and, between those and the discussion boards, feel fairly caught up at this point. I'm looking forward to season 9, which should be very interesting, to say the least!

Welcome Ali!

Twins, you say? You are a brave woman - and probably need all the CSI you can get :thumbsup: I have boys 20 months apart and that is close enough for me!
Hello everyone I am new to this and I hope you don't mind me joining in with your group . I hope to hear from you soon and chat about everything csi I come from Bristol in England thank you for your time
Welcome to the nut house, ali319 and jetlink. There is no set rule that you have to identify yourself. It's just that we board members are just very nosy. Also, I think there is a rule that if you don't introduce yourself, you have to buy pizza for the rest of us. Right, guys? So, pull up a keyboard and have fun.

P.S. jetlink, double posting is against the rules of the board. If you need to add something to a previous post, you can click on the EDIT button up to 24 hours after the original post was made.
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Welcome ali319! Haha, okay, in the 1,5 years I've been a member I don't think I've ever properly introduced myself. :D So.. dessert is on me. :lol: I'm Marny, 16 year old, George Eads fan. :D
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Welcome ali319 and jetlink. Please have a read of the "Help Guide...." that's tacked up on Page 1 of this Forum for guidelines on using this Forum and this Board.

Hope you have fun here. :)
Hello everyone!

My name is Ashleigh, living out in Canada, and I'm a huge fan of CSI. I'm also a huge fan of George Eads/Nick Stokes:)

I hope I have fun here...and I'm sure I will.
Welcome Ashleigh :) There are plenty of us Canucks round so don't forget to check out the Canadian thread in the Mics Forum where we have things like Timmy's coffee 24 hours a day :) And welcome back kimbo08 :) They are plenty of goodies on the table so enjoy yourselves.