Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Welcome Everyone! Holiday cookies by the door, drinks to, and we hope you have fun, remember to take a look at the "Help Guide" we have in this forum for a quick run down of the rules. :)
*steals the vodka D has been hiding*

Welcome all newbies :D I thought I come here to say 'welcome' as well to newbies because..here's many that never wander to other forums... like *cough* Miscellaneouswhereslotsoffunstuff *cough*
Hello friends and freaks.

I'm a former lurker. (Sorry. :() I actually found the site through an image search. Go figure?

Anyways, I'm a 31 y.o. single mom and total CSI freak. I love CSI LV, but haven't been able to really get into NY and Miami. My son introduced me to the show 2 years ago. I work nights, so I miss alot of great shows. Thank the Lawd for TiVo.

Well, see you guys and gals around. :cool:
Hi. My name is Amy and I'm from the UK. I'm 19 years old (nearly 20 yay). I would say I've been a fan of the show for about 2 years, when one e day my mum was watching something on tv and I decided to watch too, and from that moment I've never looked back. I was hooked from day one.
I have posted in the merchandise section what I currently have and its a lot of stuff. I've spent a fortune on dvds, books, etc, but its been worth every penny.
My favourite is Las Vegas but I watch NY and Miami just the same. Heration just annoys me sometimes, lol. And I love Danny in NY. But then I love Greg, Grissom and Sara in Las Vegas. All the shows have brilliant actors, its quite hard to chose between them really.
Oh and a quick note off the subject I can't wait till Season 7 starts in about a months time over here and NY. They will be great, although I've watched so many clips from the new season, it just makes me want to see them all the more.

Well anyway I just thought I'd introduce myself.


(Grissom, Sara and Greg fan forever!!!!!!!!)
Welcome AngelaG and Amy . I'm sure you will have fun here. :)

Amy , I'm excited about new CSI and NY as well, I'm practically counting down the days! :D
hey im caitlin and i've been watchin CSI LV for a long time. i never watch the other two CSI's cause im a loyal fan of las vegas. um...idk what else to say, but its great to be here with all the other CSI fans!
Hey, I'm new here. I've been lurking for a while and decided it was finally time to show myself. My name is Caroline, I'm 23 and from the UK.

I only really got into CSI a couple of months ago when my friend and I went on holiday to Canada and it was on all the time on Spike! We soon became huge fans of Las Vegas. Although not so much NY and Miami.

I brought the first two seasons back with me on DVD and am also watching the episodes on Living TV here. There's quite a lot to catch up on and it can get slightly confusing watching episodes from seasons 1, 3 and 6 in one day but I'll force myself! =)

Good to meet you all.
Elsie I'm counting down the days too. I just can't wait! I'm so excited. I keep getting funny looks off my parents though, as I'm telling them every day how long it is to go, lol.

Amy (Grissom, Sara and Greg lover forever)
Welcome to the board Folks! there is free food and drinks by the door anything stronger then soda you will need to be carded by the electronic machine lol. We never run out of food.

Also New folks if you need a condensed version of the rules of the board/forum we suggest that you check out the "Help Guide" to get you started. Again welcome and have fun.
Why hello! My name is Sabrina, just call me Sabz or Sab or whatever you like. I'm from Estonia and obsessed with all three CSI's. Mostly I like Miami, but I'm like really happy with LV and NY too. I ship CaRWash, Sandle and M&M.
I guess thats all :p
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