Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Welcome to the board Folks and as to the free food and drinks its always by the door anything strong then soda you will need to be carded by the electronic machine lol. We never run out of food, so Dynamo1 please stop blocking the table, thank you.

Also New folks if you need a condensed version of the rules of the board/forum we suggest that you check out the "Help Guide" to get you started. Again welcome and have fun.
Welcome, Sarrkazztic! Hope you have fun posting here. And if Dynamo's in the way.. don't mind kicking his butt. *runs from Dynamo*
Dynamo1 said:
Savanna said:
Hey, where's the food and drinks? It's been a long day, and I am in need of my CSI fix.
*Burrrrrrp* (Excuse me.) I have no idea where the food might be. :devil:
Savanna, instead of having two or more posts in a row, you have up to 24 hours to adding more info to a post by clicking on the EDIT button.

Now, back to baking more cookies. Maybe some holiday ones?

Maybe so, but editing doesnt help the post count :) :devil:
Hi. My name is Jenifer and this also is my very first post. I have been watching CSI: since the beginning I'm really and truly true to the show. My favorite character is Catherine as you can clearly see by the name.
Hello everybody!

I'm Diana, 21 yrs old. I am totally a CSI freak. Well I used to be one heck of a CSI freak, all my friends and family call me that anyways. my comp got broken and I have not gotten to watch a single epi since the middle of season 6. I've got the show on cable but its really slow, they're only showing the beginning of season 6, so I'm being really patient and waiting to catch up.

Well the main reason my cable's so lagging behind is cuz I live in ASIA! I'm living in a tiny island called Singapore. And since I'm sooo far away from almost everyone here, the shows get broadcasted really slow here too. Sigh.

Well to end, I'm so in love with greg..hmmmmm.... =)
Welcome XxXCatherineXxX and greg_yummy . I'm sure you will enjoy it here, there are lots of likeminded people! :D
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