Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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^ New identity in the witness protection program? ;) I promise not to tell. Oooops, just did.
Welcome to the boards everyone, it's great to see some more de-lurkers! I hope you all have fun here. :)
Welcome All New Peeps to the LV forum, if you need help with rules we have a "Help Guide" tacked up in this forum to get you started. Again welcome, enjoy the food/drinks and have fun. :)
Oh dear god no! :lol: I have never dieted in my life. Actually just the opposite twice in my lifetime I have lost too much weight either due to illness or stress and both times I have had a hard fight to regain it. Top it off I love food, so it wasn't that I wasn't trying.

Also it should be noted that all food is whatever the person needs it to be, carb free, or with carbs, ect. Think of it as magical. ;)
hey y'all :)
I'm Melissa, also known as Melle, Lissa, Melis, etc.
I've been watching CSI for quite a long time... ever since I was in middle school (4 years ago) I was just facsinated with the whole aspect of crime scene investigating. ever since I was pretty young (maybe 7-8 years old?) I used to pretend with my nextdoor neighbor that I was a detective and she would make up a crime and I'd solve it. yes, I know; it's corny. but when I saw CSI for the first time I was incredibly intrigued. actually, the show influenced me so much that I am planning to become a crime scene investigator. I've read several books regarding the career, and most books say that while the show CSI isn't exactly like real crime scene investigating, it is similar. I'm a junior now in high school, and I'm planning to get a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in Forensic Science.
Not only does the science elements within the program interest me, but I also love the relationships and personalities of the characters in the program. I abolsutely LOVE the romance between Sara and Grissom. their decision to be together at the end of Season 6 just made me sooo excited :) To be honest, I love all of the characters in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (LV) EXCEPT Sophia and Eckley. the rest of 'em are awesome! Greg is one of my favorites... Eric Szmanda is, in my opinion, one of the most good-looking men on this Earth. no joke ;) I mean, c'mon, who doesn't love Greggo?!
I joined this forum a few months ago, but this is one of my first posts. hopefully I'll start posting some more. it was nice to meet you all! :)
Welcome to the boards Melissa! :)

Destiny always has great food laid out for the newbies - and it's carb free. *yay*

*shhh* Not being a newbie myself I really shouldn't eat it. :eek:
Hello everyone. Savanna here. I love the show. The whole cast is awesome. I am glad they added more people. Forensic sciences have always intrigued me. Some of the CSI episodes I remember from watching FBI investigations and other shows. For example, Chimera, and so on. When you look past the gore, the science is amazing.
Savanna said:
Hey, where's the food and drinks? It's been a long day, and I am in need of my CSI fix.
*Burrrrrrp* (Excuse me.) I have no idea where the food might be. :devil:
Savanna, instead of having two or more posts in a row, you have up to 24 hours to adding more info to a post by clicking on the EDIT button.

Now, back to baking more cookies. Maybe some holiday ones?
Username is Sarrkazztic...because well thats my sense of humor I guess.

My name is Steve and I have been a fan of the show for a couple years I guess. I ran across it while channel surfing and I think Marge caught my eye and it stuck LOL.....I love in particular the way the scenes are recreated I think that is what kept me coming back that and Grissoms sense of humor.

I have been catching up on old episodes via the 3 hours or so nightly on Spike. I have the complete Season 5 dvd that I am watching currently. Lots of episodes to catch up on.

This is definately must see tv for me
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