Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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HI, i am not really a newbie to the site but have not done an introduction due to some of you guys kinda well scare me . I never done any web chatting . My name is Cyndy and I am addicted to both CSI (LV only) and George Eads according to everyone who has seen my e bay purchases
welcome addicted_to_eads!
there is no need to be scared. once you got to know us you'll see that we are really nice! :D
i hope you'll enjoy your time here :)

This is my third or fourth post. I've been a lurker here for ages, but I decided to come out of the closet, so here goes:

I'm a real live Lab Rat - I work in a hospital laboratory, mainly in biology. I just watched the epi "Lab Rats" and I was so thrilled to see my crew get their own show that I had to delurk and join the rest of you. So cheers! :D
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