Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hello and welcome to Imo, Snickersfan01 and CleverNicky, it's nice to have you here. Come join in the fun. :)
Hi everyone, I'm a huge CSI fan from England. I watch Vegas and New York, but have never managed to get into Miami. I'm also a big fan of Sofia and Sara, so you'll probably see me in those threads mostly.
From what I've seen from browsing this looks like a really friendly place, so I'll look forward to posting.
Howdy people :D I'm new, and presently trying to catch up on 7 seasons of CSI (gaaaah! haha) I only watch the Vegas one at the moment, all three at once would consume more hours than I have in the week. I'm 21, Scottish and a girl, legend has it. I am presently terribly confused because I'm watching seasons 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 all at once and out of order on various channels -- favourite so far is definitely Fur and Loathing though... I haven't laughed that hard since Snakes on a Plane ;)
Did I even introduce myself...

Lets do it anyway.. I am a 22 year old girl from Holland. I´ve been watching CSI for.. well, long. I am totally into Sara. She´s my alltime favourite.
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