Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Good to see I'm not the only guy on these forums, not that I mind being surrounded by older women.
Sveiki (Hello), Bugman. Welcome to the nut house. There are virtual snacks on the table by the door, such as chocolate covered ants for the bugman. (Just kidding.) Grab a keyboard and have fun.
Hello Ppl~~
yup yup... I'm newbie!! I'm not too sure how this work, but I had been going around leaving replies... :p I just can't wait... I'm a HUGH fan of Archie.... so I'm sooo excited of this wk eppy, when all the lab geeks will be the main cast!! :D **dying of joy** :D
anyways... I almost forgot to introduce myself. Well.... my name is Krisy, not KrisTy!!~~ (I'm sorri, but whenever I meet someone for the first time, they never get my name right :confused:) I live in Canada, Toronto... I went to Las Vegas last yr for X'mas, I absolutely fell in love with that place!!~~ :lol: I will go back there again!! :cool:
Welcome KRISY! lol, see you around the boards. :) Call me Ams btw, real name is Amy but I prefer Ams, its pronounced Aims but spelt AMS! :)
Welcome to the nut house, Krisy, not Kristy. This is a HUGE, not HUGH, message board. I hope you will not be SORRY, not SORRI, for joining. Grab a keyboard and have fun.
Welcome Krisy! Hope you enjoy yourself here on the forums we're a friendly bunch and here's a drink for ya :D
LOL... I'm sorry I made so much spelling mistakes... I was at work when I typed that post... :devil:

Anyways... thank-Q guys for all the warm welcomes!!~~ You guys r so sweet.... :D

I have a question.... wat is that underneath each person's name... mine is "victim"... but some of u r judge? CSI level one? lab tech? Wat is that for? :confused:
I'm not a 'newbie' as such as I generally lurk around the NY pages here, but I've recently rediscovered how good the original CSI is, so I thought I'd come and have a nosy over here.
My name's Sarah and I live in England. I don't particularly have a favourite character - prefer how the ensemble works together as a whole, although I am enjoying the subtle Sara/Grissom relationship and think that the writers over on NY could learn a thing or two!
Nice to meet everyone!
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