Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Did you go to t he My Home page and put a link to where your picture is? If so, please make sure it meets the size requirements of the board. And don't foregt to click on the little white circle beside the link before clicking on Submit. Any further questions about avatars can be asked in the QSF (Questions, Suggestions, and Feedback) Forum on this board and probably have in the past.
Actually you have to have 100 posts to be allowed an avatar but it is 101 for it to show up, if after that it does (which I can see it is now) then you would go to QSF for further information.
I was here once before but during health reasons I became inactive. I forgot my original username and password like a old silly me.

My name is Debra but you can me Nicky.. Long story if you ask why Nicky. But I love all three csi's.

I will be active now that I am better.
Hey all

I have a bad habit of lurking too much, although I have so much to say ... Maybe this board will change me :)

I am from London, England and I have been a fan of CSI LV since it first aired in the UK. I have watched every episode and I just recently spent a small fortune on all the box sets currently released, so far, on this side of the pond.
I went on an impulse buy the other day when I got it into my head that I needed to own every season. I have to say, its my first impulse buy that I havent regretted purchasing!!!

I will admit that I am a big GSR fan and hugely support any storyline that favours their relationship, but whats more important is that this is a one of a kind show, which I would watch with or without GSR.

Anyway, I'll stop waffling on but I will say one more thing, Roll on the end of March!!!

Catch you guys around :)
Destiny said:
Actually you have to have 100 posts to be allowed an avatar but it is 101 for it to show up, if after that it does (which I can see it is now) then you would go to QSF for further information.
WHAT? I posted the same yesterday but my post is not there :eek: Weird :rolleyes:

Anyway, welcome n00bs! :D Visit the Marg threads! :)
Hello, second day here and I've finally decided to check in here. This is the best show on Thursday night and my favorite CSI show.


HI everyone - welcome to evryone (including myself) who havent been here long.

Can anyone tell me how to put up a picture either below my name or below my message - any help would be appreciated so thanks
I am a fan of all the CSI shows, but my favs are LV and NY (sorry Miami!). My favs are LV are Griss, Warrick, Nick and Greg (yep all the men! LOL) from NY everyone.. well I am getting used to Peyton.
Welcome to the Las Vegas forum Gaseous_Anomaly, FLACK_ATTACK and midnight17(even though I think I already welcomed you) ;)
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